Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 28 67.8

line true false branch
87 18 0 if ref $_ eq "HASH"
91 51 92 unless ($c->session->{$session_key})
102 138 65 if ($last and not $c->current_route =~ /^api\./u)
128 143 0 if (my $tpls = $dom->{'templates'}) { }
131 0 143 if ($tpls =~ m[^/]u and -d $tpls) { }
139 0 575 if (-d "$path/$tpls")
186 0 14 if ($config->{'response_compression'})
206 125 42 ref $plugin ? :
211 125 42 if (ref $plugin eq 'HASH') { }
42 0 elsif (not ref $plugin) { }
213 28 97 ref $value eq 'CODE' ? :
220 14 153 if ($name eq "OpenAPI")
270 0 84 if (my $e = Mojo::Loader::load_class($class))
271 0 0 ref $e ? :