Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 92 53.2

line true false branch
48 8 0 unless defined $$self{'file-encoding'}
49 4 4 if (defined $file and -e $file and not defined $args{'load-raw'}) { }
55 0 4 if ($@)
58 0 0 if ($@)
63 0 4 unless defined $$self{'TYPE'}
64 0 4 if $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'empty'
65 0 4 if $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'XML' or $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'Quake'
66 0 0 unless $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'gzip' or $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'bzip2' or $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'ASCII' or $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'XML' or $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'none'
72 0 0 if $args{'mode'} and $args{'mode'} eq 'write' || $args{'mode'} eq 'append' || $args{'mode'} eq 'rewrite'
73 0 8 if defined $$self{'MODE'} and $$self{'MODE'} eq 'rewrite'
75 0 8 if $args{'binary'}
76 0 8 if $args{'skip-white-line'}
77 0 8 if $args{'skip-white-lines'}
79 2 6 if $args{'load-raw'}
80 6 2 if (defined $file and -e $file and not defined $$self{'no-auto-load'}) { }
151 0 6 if ($file) { }
159 0 6 unless (-e $file or -R $file)
166 4 2 if (defined $$self{'TYPE'} and $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'ASCII' || $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'XML' || $$self{'TYPE'} eq 'Quake' and not $$self{'LOAD_RAW'}) { }
0 2 elsif ($$self{'TYPE'} eq 'bzip2' and not $$self{'LOAD_RAW'}) { }
0 2 elsif ($$self{'TYPE'} eq 'gzip' and not $$self{'LOAD_RAW'}) { }
2 0 elsif ($$self{'LOAD_RAW'} or $$self{'TYPE'} eq '') { }
169 4 0 if (open F2, "<:encoding($$self{'file-encoding'})", $file) { }
171 0 4 if $$self{'BINARY'}
172 0 4 if ($$self{'SKIP_WL'}) { }
177 0 0 if $tmp =~ /^\s*$/
224 2 0 if (open F2, $file) { }
226 0 2 if $$self{'BINARY'}
276 0 2 if $self->is_locked
278 0 2 unless Write({'file-encoding', $$self{'file-encoding'}}, "$$self{'FILENAME'}.lock", $self)
313 4 2 if ($self->is_locked) { }
315 2 2 if ($self->_verify_lock_maker) { }
317 0 2 unless unlink "$$self{'FILENAME'}.lock"
342 2 2 if ($locker eq $object) { }
365 6 4 if -e $$self{'FILENAME'} . '.lock'
392 2 2 unless $name
393 2 2 unless @data
397 0 4 if (defined $$self{'MODE'} and $$self{'MODE'} eq 'append')
401 4 0 if (open FILE, "${mode}:encoding($$self{'file-encoding'})", $name) { }
403 0 4 if $$self{'BINARY'}
406 0 4 if ($$self{'SKIP_WL'}) { }
413 0 0 if $tmp =~ /^\s*$/
425 0 4 unless close FILE
532 0 0 unless $start
533 0 0 unless $stop
590 0 0 $_[1] ? :
607 2 2 $_[1] ? :