Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 36 75.0

line true false branch
21 16 228 if $mhead->{'from'} =~ /no-reply[\@].+[.]dion[.]ne[.]jp/
22 16 228 if $mhead->{'reply-to'} and $mhead->{'reply-to'} eq "no-reply\"
23 0 244 if grep {rindex($_, " (") > -1;} @{$$mhead{"received"};}
24 0 244 if grep {rindex($_, " (") > -1;} @{$$mhead{"received"};}
25 228 16 unless $match
51 106 32 unless ($readcursor)
53 16 90 if $e =~ /$markingsof->{'message'}/
55 90 48 unless $readcursor & $indicators->{'deliverystatus'}
56 0 48 unless length $e
59 16 32 if ($e =~ /\A[ \t]+Could not be delivered to: [<]([^ ]+[\@][^ ]+)[>]/) { }
16 16 elsif ($e =~ /Your mail sent on: (.+)\z/) { }
63 0 16 if ($v->{'recipient'})
70 0 16 unless "Sisimai::RFC5322"->is_emailaddress($r)
80 16 0 if $e =~ /\A[ \t]+/
83 0 16 unless $recipients
88 0 16 if (defined $mhead->{'x-spasign'} and $mhead->{'x-spasign'} eq 'NG') { }
94 0 16 if ($e->{'command'} eq 'RCPT') { }
103 27 16 unless grep {index($e->{'diagnosis'}, $_) > -1;} @{$$messagesof{$r};}