Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 64 75.0

line true false branch
27 40 181 if rindex($mhead->{'from'}, "Postmaster\") > -1
28 0 221 if rindex($mhead->{'from'}, "Postmaster\") > -1
29 40 181 if $mhead->{'subject'} eq "Mail System Error - Returned Mail"
30 16 205 if grep {rindex($_, " (EZweb Mail) with") > -1;} @{$$mhead{"received"};}
31 0 221 if grep {rindex($_, " (") > -1;} @{$$mhead{"received"};}
32 201 20 if (defined $mhead->{'message-id'})
33 40 161 if substr($mhead->{'message-id'}, -13, 13) eq ">"
34 0 201 if substr($mhead->{'message-id'}, -8, 8) eq ">"
36 181 40 if $match < 2
75 40 0 if ($mhead->{'content-type'})
79 34 6 if $b0
86 293 262 unless ($readcursor)
88 40 253 if $e =~ /$markingsof->{'message'}/
90 253 302 unless $readcursor & $indicators->{'deliverystatus'}
91 88 214 unless length $e
106 40 174 if ($e =~ /\A[<]([^ ]+[\@][^ ]+)[>]\z/ or $e =~ /\A[<]([^ ]+[\@][^ ]+)[>]:?(.*)\z/ or $e =~ /\A[ \t]+Recipient: [<]([^ ]+[\@][^ ]+)[>]/) { }
45 129 elsif (my $f = 'Sisimai::RFC1894'->match($e)) { }
110 0 40 if ($v->{'recipient'})
122 0 45 unless my $o = "Sisimai::RFC1894"->field($e)
123 0 45 unless exists $$fieldtable{$o->[0]}
128 0 129 if "Sisimai::String"->is_8bit(\$e)
129 15 114 if ($e =~ /\A[ \t]+[>]{3}[ \t]+([A-Z]{4})/) { }
135 25 89 if (grep {$e =~ /$_/;} @rxmessages) { }
145 0 40 unless $recipients
148 34 0 if (exists $e->{'alterrors'} and $e->{'alterrors'})
151 0 34 if (index($e->{'diagnosis'}, "-") == 0 or substr($e->{'diagnosis'}, -2, 2) eq "__")
153 0 0 if $e->{'alterrors'}
159 6 34 if (defined $mhead->{'x-spasign'} and $mhead->{'x-spasign'} eq 'NG') { }
165 10 24 if ($e->{'command'} eq 'RCPT') { }
176 48 24 unless $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ /$rr/
183 40 0 if $e->{'reason'}
184 0 0 if $e->{'recipient'} =~ /[\@](?:ezweb[.]ne[.]jp|au[.]com)\z/