Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 38 73.6

line true false branch
20 171 79 unless $mhead->{'subject'} =~ /\AReturned mail: [A-Z]/
46 43 36 unless length $emailsteak->[1]
60 36 226 unless ($readcursor)
62 36 0 if index($e, $startingof->{'message'}[0]) > -1
65 0 226 unless $readcursor & $indicators->{'deliverystatus'}
66 0 226 unless length $e
76 60 166 if ($e =~ /\A\d{3}[ \t]+[<]([^ ]+[\@][^ ]+)[>][.]{3}[ \t]*(.+)\z/) { }
35 131 elsif ($e =~ /\A[>]{3}[ \t]*([A-Z]{4})[ \t]*/) { }
35 96 elsif ($e =~ /\A[<]{3}[ ]+(.+)\z/) { }
78 30 30 if ($v->{'recipient'})
86 30 30 if ($responding[$recipients])
104 0 96 if $v->{'sessionerr'}
105 0 96 if ($e =~ /$markingsof->{'error'}/)
113 61 35 if $e =~ /\A\d{3}[ \t]+.+[.]{3}[ \t]*(.+)\z/
117 6 30 if ($recipients == 0 and $emailsteak->[1] =~ /^To:[ ]*(.+)/m)
122 0 36 unless $recipients
129 66 0 if (exists $anotherset->{'diagnosis'} and $anotherset->{'diagnosis'}) { }
141 66 0 if $e->{'recipient'} =~ /\A[^ ]+[\@][^ ]+\z/
142 0 0 if $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ /[<]([^ ]+[\@][^ ]+)[>]/