Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 22 101 21.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
190 0 0 1 -e './TEMPLATES' and -d './TEMPLATES'
0 0 1 -e './TEMPLATES' and -d './TEMPLATES' and -e "./$datafile"
211 0 0 0 not -e '/usr/bin/ggv' and -e '/usr/X11R6/bin/gv'
333 0 0 0 not $conditional and exists $data{$sim}{'XVAR'} && $par eq $data{$sim}{'XVAR'} || exists $data{$sim}{'SWEEPVAR'} && $par eq $data{$sim}{'SWEEPVAR'}
0 0 0 $conditional and $par eq $data{$sim}{'CONDVAR'}
387 2 0 0 $par =~ /^_/ and not $prevkey =~ /^_/
568 0 0 0 exists $grouped{$par} and $grouped{$par} eq $par
692 0 2 0 /^\s*[a-zA-Z]/ and not /:/
705 0 1 0 $ext and $ext =~ /^\./
764 2 0 0 @list == 3 and not $list =~ /[a-zA-Z]/
765 0 0 0 $list[0] < $list[1] && $list[2] > 0 || $list[0] > $list[1] && $list[2] < 0 and abs $list[2] < abs $list[1] - $list[0]
777 0 0 0 "$i" ne "$stop" and $stop >= 0 && $i < $stop || $stop < 0 && $i > $stop
822 0 0 1 -e $dirname and -d $dirname
848 0 1 0 -e "TEMPLATES/$sim$templ" and not -l "TEMPLATES/SIMTYPES/$sim$templ"
871 1 0 0 -e "SOURCES/$maybe_file" and not -e "$dirname/$maybe_file"
1147 17 0 0 $line =~ /\b(_\w+?)\b/ and not $line =~ /$1\$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
51 0 1 shift() || ''
500 0 1 $data{$sim}{'ANALYSIS_TEMPLATE'} || $data{$sim}{'ANALYSIS'} || $data{$sim}{'ANATEMPL'} || $data{$sim}{'ANALYSIS_TEMPL'} || $data{$sim}{'ANA_TEMPLATE'} || 'None'
817 0 1 ${$simref;}{$sim}{'TEMPLEXT'} || ${$simref;}{$sim}{'TEMPL'} || '.templ'
818 0 1 ${$simref;}{$sim}{'DEVTYPE'} || ${$simref;}{$sim}{'DEVICE'} || ''
944 1 0 $simdata{'COMMAND'} || 'perl inputfile outputfile'
945 0 1 $simdata{'OUTPUT_FILTER_PATTERN'} || '.*'
946 0 0 $simdata{'SIMTYPE'} || $simdata{'SIMNAME'} || $simdata{'SIMULATION'} || $simdata{'TEMPLATE'} || $simdata{'SIMTEMPL'} || ''
949 0 1 $simdata{'DEVTYPE'} || $simdata{'DEVICE'} || $simdata{'DEVTEMPL'} || ''
963 0 1 $simdata{'TEMPLEXT'} || $simdata{'TEMPL'} || '.templ'
964 0 1 $simdata{'EXT'} || '.pl'
1031 1 0 open(SIM, "$commandline 2>&1 |") || die("can't fork: $!")
1255 0 0 shift() || 1
1256 0 0 shift() || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
333 0 0 0 exists $data{$sim}{'XVAR'} && $par eq $data{$sim}{'XVAR'} || exists $data{$sim}{'SWEEPVAR'} && $par eq $data{$sim}{'SWEEPVAR'}
0 0 0 not $conditional and exists $data{$sim}{'XVAR'} && $par eq $data{$sim}{'XVAR'} || exists $data{$sim}{'SWEEPVAR'} && $par eq $data{$sim}{'SWEEPVAR'} or $conditional and $par eq $data{$sim}{'CONDVAR'}
497 0 0 0 $data{$sim}{'SIMTYPE'} || $data{$sim}{'SIMNAME'} || $data{$sim}{'SIMULATION'} || $data{$sim}{'TEMPLATE'} || $data{$sim}{'SIMTEMPL'}
568 0 0 0 not exists $grouped{$par} or exists $grouped{$par} and $grouped{$par} eq $par
765 0 0 0 $list[0] < $list[1] && $list[2] > 0 || $list[0] > $list[1] && $list[2] < 0
777 0 0 0 $stop >= 0 && $i < $stop || $stop < 0 && $i > $stop
841 1 0 0 -e "TEMPLATES/SIMTYPES/$sim$templ" || -e "TEMPLATES/$sim$templ"
962 1 0 0 "#$simtitle\n" || "#$devtype $simtype simulation\n"
1140 0 0 0 $exprdata{$key} ||= $simdata{$key}[0]