Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 118 55.0

line true false branch
47 7 0 if ($] >= 5.004) { }
84 0 0 if ($SimpleCDB::DEBUG and $_[0] <= $SimpleCDB::DEBUG)
119 7 0 if (eval 'use Digest::MD5 (); 1') { }
152 11991 169651 unless substr &{$digest;}($_[0]), 0, $_[1]
158 933 0 $] >= 5.004 ? :
168 10 128 $op & 2 ? :
172 0 138 if ($@) { }
0 138 elsif (not $l) { }
192 10 128 if $flags & 1
203 0 138 unless defined $flags
204 0 138 if $flags & 1024
207 1 137 unless (-d $dir)
208 0 1 unless mkdir $dir, $perms | 448
216 10 128 if ($flags & 3) { }
218 0 10 unless $$s{'lockfh'} = newFileHandle("$dir/$SimpleCDB::METAFILE", 577, $perms)
223 0 10 unless _lock($s, 2)
237 0 128 $] < 5.004 ? :
238 0 128 unless $$s{'lockfh'} = newFileHandle("$dir/$SimpleCDB::METAFILE", $m, $perms)
241 0 128 unless _lock($s, 1)
246 0 128 unless defined $nfiles and defined $sep
257 0 138 unless $nfiles =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/
289 160 2048 if $flags & 512
292 10 128 if ($flags & 3)
316 795 0 if defined $fh
318 0 0 unless $! == 24
327 0 0 if (defined $$self{'fh'}{$t})
338 0 795 unless defined $fh
342 0 795 if defined ${$$self{'fpos'};}{$d}
359 0 362642 if (not defined $_[0]) { }
0 362642 elsif ($_[0] eq '') { }
0 362642 elsif ($_[0] eq '_') { }
0 362642 elsif ($_[0] eq '-') { }
367 181642 181000 if $_[1]
373 0 242641 if ($_[0] eq '_') { }
0 242641 elsif ($_[0] eq '-') { }
385 121000 642 if (exists $$self{'nextval'})
393 0 642 if $$self{'fflags'} & 1
403 119 523 defined $$self{'fh'}{$d} ? :
404 0 642 unless defined $fh
410 121 521 unless defined $l
414 641 410695 if $l =~ /^\Q$key$$self{'sep'}\E/
418 641 0 if ($l) { }
441 0 0 if $$self{'fflags'} & 1
451 0 0 defined $$self{'fh'}{$d} ? :
452 0 0 unless defined $fh
459 0 0 if $l =~ /^\Q$key$$self{'sep'}\E/
461 0 0 if defined $l
468 0 0 $l ? :
480 7 112 unless defined $$self{'next'}
489 112 0 unless (defined($fh = $$self{'fh'}{$d}))
491 112 0 if -e $$self{'f'}{$d}
503 0 7 if $$self{'fflags'} & 1
535 7 121000 unless defined $l
550 121000 0 defined $k ? :
559 0 181000 unless $$self{'fflags'} & 3
568 180840 160 defined $$self{'fh'}{$d} ? :
569 0 181000 unless defined $fh
592 795 0 if defined $$self{'fh'}{$_}