Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 40 85.0

line true false branch
20 1233 0 if ($good)
39 938 2200 unless $Signals::XSIG::_REFRESH
40 0 2200 unless ($self->{'good'})
50 2098 771 unless defined $h
51 14 757 if $h eq ""
52 245 512 if $start != 0
53 42 715 if $h eq "IGNORE"
54 15 700 if ($h eq 'DEFAULT') { }
55 0 15 if $start == 0 and $ignore_main_default
56 1 14 if $seen_default++
59 75 625 unless defined &$h
63 477 1723 if ($Signals::XSIG::_INITIALIZED and @{$self->{'xh'};}) { }
784 939 elsif ($Signals::XSIG::_INITIALIZED) { }
67 0 784 unless $self->{'key'}
76 2 1496 if $index < 0
92 950 0 if ($self->{'good'})
115 2 5 if (@{$self->{'handlers'};} + $self->{'start'} <= 0)
126 2 2 if $self->{'start'} >= 0
134 0 5 if $self->{'start'} > 0
135 1 4 if $self->{'start'} == 0 and $#{$$self{"handlers"};} == 0