Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 22 72.7

line true false branch
114 2 4 unless defined $server and $server =~ SIEBEL_SERVER()
119 0 4 unless exists $$data_ref{$server}
161 0 2 unless exists $$alias_ref{$server}{$alias}
186 2 2 unless defined $alias and $alias ne ''
195 2 0 if exists $$aliases_ref{$server_name}{$alias}
288 0 0 if ($counter <= $total) { }
329 764 8 if (defined $aliases_ref) { }
331 109 655 if (exists $$aliases_ref{$server_name})
333 90 19 if (exists $$aliases_ref{$server_name}{$alias}) { }
367 20 752 unless exists $$parsed_ref{$server_name}
372 772 0 if (@{$fields_ref;}) { }