Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 44 70.4

line true false branch
48 0 9 if ($ENV{'SHIPWRIGHT_DEVEL'}) { }
80 7 2 if (ref $cmd eq 'CODE')
82 6 1 if ($ignore_failure) { }
88 4 3 wantarray ? :
99 1 1 if $out
100 1 1 if $err
102 1 1 if ($?)
105 0 1 unless ($ignore_failure)
106 0 0 if length $out
107 0 0 if length $err
109 0 0 if ($err and $err =~ /Can't locate (\S+)\.pm in \@INC/)
128 1 1 wantarray ? :
153 3 5 if ($type eq 'null') { }
2 3 elsif ($type eq 'stdout') { }
2 1 elsif ($type eq 'cpan') { }
160 1 1 unless $cpan_fh_flag
194 12 26 if lc $name eq lc $module
211 4 2 unless ($SHIPWRIGHT_ROOT)
226 4 1 unless ($SHARE_ROOT)
229 0 4 if ($root[-2] ne 'blib' and $root[-1] eq 'lib' and !($^O =~ /MSWin/) || $root[-2] ne 'site') { }
255 0 0 if $ENV{'HOME'}
258 0 0 if ($@) { }