Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 96 0.0

line true false branch
54 0 0 if @sources > 1 and $self->name
69 0 0 if ($self->name and not $source)
78 0 0 if ($$r_map{$self->name}) { }
0 0 elsif ($branches) { }
83 0 0 if (ref $source)
94 0 0 unless $source
96 0 0 if ($self->extra_tests) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->test_script) { }
114 0 0 if ($self->name)
115 0 0 if ($self->name =~ /::/)
122 0 0 unless ($self->name =~ /^[-.\w]+$/)
129 0 0 if ($source =~ /^(perl-[\d.]+)(?:\.tar\.gz)?$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($source eq 'perl') { }
133 0 0 if ($self->version) { }
162 0 0 if $shipwright->source->isa('Shipwright::Source::CPAN') and $self->as
166 0 0 unless ($self->overwrite)
170 0 0 unless $shipwright->backend->map
187 0 0 unless $source
196 0 0 if (-e catdir($base, '__scripts', $name)) { }
208 0 0 if (my $script = $self->build_script) { }
0 0 elsif (not $self->no_default_build) { }
209 0 0 if ($script =~ /\.pl$/) { }
221 0 0 if ($self->no_follow) { }
222 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', catfile($script_dir, 'require.yml')
230 0 0 if (-e catfile($source, '__require.yml'))
231 0 0 unless move(catfile($source, '__require.yml'), catfile($script_dir, 'require.yml'))
253 0 0 $imported{$name} ? :
0 0 $shipwright->source->isa('Shipwright::Source::Shipyard') ? :
261 0 0 $imported{$name} ? :
270 0 0 unless $shipwright->backend->map
277 0 0 if (not $name =~ /^cpan-/ or $shipwright->source->isa('Shipwright::Source::Shipyard'))
281 0 0 if ($shipwright->source->isa('Shipwright::Source::Shipyard')) { }
310 0 0 unless -e catfile($source, '__require.yml')
317 0 0 if (-e $require_file)
321 0 0 if (-e $map_file)
335 0 0 unless ($imported{$dist}++)
338 0 0 unless ($name)
349 0 0 if (-e catdir($dir, '__scripts', $dist)) { }
358 0 0 if (-e catfile($s, '__require.yml'))
359 0 0 unless move(catfile($s, '__require.yml'), catfile($script_dir, 'require.yml'))
379 0 0 $shipwright->source->isa('Shipwright::Source::Shipyard') ? :
388 0 0 if ($shipwright->source->isa('Shipwright::Source::Shipyard'))
420 0 0 if ($name eq 'perl') { }
0 0 elsif (-f catfile($source_dir, 'Build.PL')) { }
0 0 elsif (-f catfile($source_dir, 'Makefile.PL')) { }
0 0 elsif (-f catfile($source_dir, 'configure')) { }
0 0 elsif (-f catfile($source_dir, 'configure.cmake')) { }
490 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', catfile($script_dir, 'build')