Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 78 57.6

line true false branch
50 10 38 if (@_ and grep /^shell$/, @_)
70 21 27 unless defined $Shell::Base::PROMPT
106 1 15 UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH') ? :
151 3 13 if (my $histfile = $$args{'HISTFILE'})
174 12 1 unless defined $$args{'RCFILES'}
178 0 1 unless ref $$args{'RCFILES'} eq 'ARRAY'
200 0 2 unless my $rc = 'IO::File'->new($rcfile)
207 4 44 if (length $buffer and length $line)
212 4 44 if ($line =~ s/\\$//) { }
219 30 14 unless length $line
223 2 12 unless (defined $value)
224 1 1 if ($name =~ s/^no//) { }
234 1 1 wantarray ? :
352 0 0 if (defined $blurb)
365 0 0 if (not length $cmd) { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd =~ /$Shell::Base::RE_HELP/) { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd =~ /$Shell::Base::RE_QUIT/) { }
375 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /$Shell::Base::RE_SHEBANG/)
382 0 0 if ($@)
397 0 0 if defined $output
447 0 0 unless defined $status
450 0 0 if defined $blurb
452 0 0 if (my $h = $self->histfile)
638 2 5 if ($args[0] =~ /=/) { }
665 21 2 if (@_)
682 10 0 if (@_)
699 16 1 if @_
712 3 0 if @_
731 2 4 if (@_)
733 1 1 if (ref $p eq 'CODE') { }
755 1 3 if (@_)
759 3 1 unless (defined $$self{'PAGER'})
761 3 0 unless -x $$self{'PAGER'}
780 0 0 if ($topic) { }
781 0 0 if (my $sub = $self->can("help_$topic")) { }
792 0 0 if (@helps) { }
818 14 2 if (@_)
854 13 1 if (@_)
871 0 0 unless (system($sh, @args) == 0)