Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 42 180 23.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
731 30 18 691 $chr ne 'X' and $chr ne 'Y'
48 654 37 $chr ne 'X' and $chr ne 'Y' and $chr == 17
735 0 37 0 $file_data[$n][3] != 2 and $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end || $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end
797 2280 486 96 $file_data[$n][2] >= $file_data[$k][1] and $file_data[$n][2] <= $file_data[$k][2]
802 2298 486 78 $file_data[$n][1] >= $file_data[$k][1] and $file_data[$n][1] <= $file_data[$k][2]
807 486 2280 0 $file_data[$n][1] <= $file_data[$k][1] and $file_data[$n][2] >= $file_data[$k][2]
821 0 96 0 $type eq 'cnv' and $file_data[$n][3] != $file_data[$k][3]
838 18 0 78 $start_overlap == 1 and $end_overlap == 1
876 0 0 0 $type eq 'cnv' and $file_data[$n][3] != $file_data[$k][3]
1167 5 105 631 $chr1 ne 'X' and $chr1 ne 'Y'
110 630 1 $chr1 ne 'X' and $chr1 ne 'Y' and $chr1 == 17
1171 0 0 1 $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end
0 0 0 $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end
1188 0 376 365 $chr2 ne 'X' and $chr2 ne 'Y'
376 365 0 $chr2 ne 'X' and $chr2 ne 'Y' and $chr2 == 17
1192 0 0 0 $file_data[$n][4] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][4] <= $TP53_end
0 0 0 $file_data[$n][5] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][5] <= $TP53_end
1339 0 0 0 $line_data[1] =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $line_data[0] =~ /^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|x|y|[1-9])/
1378 0 0 0 $line_data[1] < $bp + 10 and $line_data[1] > $bp - 10
1384 0 0 0 $chr ne 'X' and $chr ne 'Y'
0 0 0 $chr ne 'X' and $chr ne 'Y' and $chr == 17
1388 0 0 0 $line_data[1] >= $TP53_start and $line_data[1] <= $TP53_end
1553 0 0 0 $chr ne 'X' and $chr ne 'Y'
0 0 0 $chr ne 'X' and $chr ne 'Y' and $chr == 17
1557 0 0 0 $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end
0 0 0 $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end
2219 88404 4620762 66812 $region_z_score < $outlier_deviation and $region_z_score >= $outlier_deviation - 1
2588 0 0 0 defined $loh_size and defined $hz_size
2661 0 0 0 $tp53_mutated and $tp53_mutation_found
3299 0 0 0 $val > $start and $val < $end
3420 0 0 0 $size < $translocation_cut_off_count and $size > 2
3594 0 0 0 defined $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash{$chr} and defined $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash{$chr}
3629 0 0 0 $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] >= $start and $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] <= $end
3634 0 0 0 $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] >= $start and $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] <= $end
3639 0 0 0 $start_overlap == 1 and $end_overlap == 1
0 0 0 $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] < $start and $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] > $end
3690 0 0 0 $loh_breakpoints[$loh_end] >= $start and $loh_breakpoints[$loh_end] <= $end
3695 0 0 0 $loh_breakpoints[$loh_start] >= $start and $loh_breakpoints[$loh_start] <= $end
3700 0 0 0 $start_overlap_region_loh == 1 and $end_overlap_region_loh != 1
0 0 0 $end_overlap_region_loh == 1 and $start_overlap_region_loh != 1
0 0 0 $loh_breakpoints[$loh_start] < $start and $loh_breakpoints[$loh_end] > $end
3712 0 0 0 $start_overlap_region_loh != 1 and $end_overlap_region_loh != 1
3733 0 0 0 $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] >= $loh_start_breakpoint and $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] <= $loh_end_breakpoint
3738 0 0 0 $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] >= $loh_start_breakpoint and $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] <= $loh_end_breakpoint
3743 0 0 0 $start_overlap_loh_cnv == 1 and $end_overlap_loh_cnv == 1
0 0 0 $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] < $loh_start_breakpoint and $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] > $loh_end_breakpoint

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
286 0 0 0 scalar @cnv_files == 0 or scalar @trans_files == 0
735 1 0 36 $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end || $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end
807 78 18 2766 $start_overlap == 1 or $end_overlap == 1
853 78 18 0 $start_overlap == 1 or $end_overlap == 1
1020 240 0 501 $line_data[1] >= $line_data[2] or $line_data[4] >= $line_data[5]
1171 1 0 0 $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end or $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end
1192 0 0 0 $file_data[$n][4] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][4] <= $TP53_end or $file_data[$n][5] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][5] <= $TP53_end
1339 0 0 0 not $line_data[1] =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $line_data[0] =~ /^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|x|y|[1-9])/ or length $line_data[4] <= length $line_data[3]
1557 0 0 0 $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end or $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start and $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end
2985 0 0 0 $SD == 0 or ($cnv_number_hash{$key} - $mean) / $SD >= -1 * $outlier_deviation
3056 0 0 0 $mean_density == 0 or $standard_deviation == 0
3344 0 0 0 $SD == 0 or ($trans_number_hash{$key} - $mean) / $SD > -1 * $outlier_deviation
3386 0 0 0 $SD == 0 or ($val - $mean) / $SD < $outlier_deviation
3655 0 0 0 $remaining_heterozygous_size == 0 or $remaining_heterozygous_size == $original_heterozygous_size