Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 74 24.3

line true false branch
40 0 1555 if /^ *#/
45 5 1550 unless exists $$colorlist{$x[0]}
56 1 0 unless $colorlist
65 0 1 unless $colorlist
66 0 1 unless (exists $$colorlist{$man})
77 0 0 unless $colorlist
85 0 0 unless $colorlist
88 0 0 if (@_ == 0)
104 0 0 unless defined $nmk
106 0 0 if ($nmk ne '')
112 0 0 if ($t eq 'all')
114 0 0 if ($man ne '') { }
133 0 0 if $man eq ''
134 0 0 unless exists $$colorlist{$man}{$t}
145 0 0 unless $colorlist
151 0 0 unless defined $format
153 0 0 if ($man eq '') { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $man) { }
166 0 0 if @mana == 0
172 0 0 if (exists $$colorlist{$man}{$key}{'custom'})
189 0 0 unless $colorlist
198 0 0 unless defined $nmk
200 0 0 if ($nmk ne '')
206 0 0 if ($t eq 'all')
208 0 0 if ($man ne '') { }
227 0 0 if $man eq ''
228 0 0 unless exists $$colorlist{$man}{$t}
238 0 1 unless $colorlist
245 1 0 if (ref $man) { }
255 0 1 if (grep {$_ eq 'custom';} @mans)
263 0 5 if @mans > 0 and 0 == grep({$mankey eq $_;} @mans)
267 0 1554 if $custom and not exists $$colorlist{$mankey}{$code}{'custom'}
273 11 1543 if ($d3 < $err)
281 0 1 if $c eq ''
282 0 1 if (wantarray)
317 1 0 if ($m >= 1)
331 1 2 if $x < $m