Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 118 160 73.7

line true false branch
15 22 0 if (not $@) { }
23 0 0 length ref $_[0] ? :
27 0 0 unless my $pkg = ref $_[0]
28 0 0 if (blessed($_[0])) { }
36 0 0 if defined $pkg
76 4792 0 if (@args == 3)
77 31 4761 unless ref $args[1]
78 7 4785 if $args[2]
86 775 0 if (@{$_[0];} == 3)
110 48698 18291 unless $class
115 48485 0 defined $_ ? :
161 3 13164 @_ ? :
179 0 3 @_ > 1 ? :
0 3 wantarray ? :
241 0 2388 unless $this_universe == $that->universe
244 620 1768 if $that->is_null
247 313 1455 if $this->is_null
250 349 1106 if $this->is_universal
253 273 833 if $that->is_universal
280 5 0 unless ($next->is_null)
283 3 2 if $is_universal
287 1 8 if $is_universal and $union->size == $self->size
297 0 4152 unless $this->universe == $that->universe
300 1555 2597 if $this->is_null or $that->is_null
303 463 2134 if $that->is_universal
306 196 1938 if $this->is_universal
336 1771 191 unless ($next->is_universal)
339 684 1087 if $is_null
343 676 1286 if $is_null and $intersection->size == $self->size
353 0 12 unless $this->universe == $that->universe
355 2 10 if $this->is_null or $that->is_universal
356 0 10 if $that->is_null
376 0 4 if $this->is_null
378 0 4 unless @_
384 0 4 unless defined $that
386 0 4 if $that->is_universal
390 2 2 if $difference->size == $this->size
400 0 7 unless $this->universe == $that->universe
402 0 7 if $this->is_null
403 0 7 if $that->is_null
405 0 7 if $this->is_universal
406 0 7 if $that->is_universal
463 8 0 if ($set->universe == $universe) { }
491 0 12 unless $set->isa('Set::Scalar')
499 6 48 unless @iter
504 42 22 if (defined $next) { }
512 6 42 if ($ix < 0)
520 3 3 unless ref $_[0]
526 0 6 unless defined $iterator
535 0 3 unless $_[0]->isa('Set::Scalar')
539 1 16 unless @iter
542 14 14 if ($iter[$ix]++ == 0) { }
548 2 14 if ($ix == @iter)
556 1 2 unless ref $_[0]
562 0 3 unless defined $iterator
598 9117 3 "$a" eq "$b" ? :
605 124 1957 unless ref $a and $a->isa('Set::Scalar::Base') and ref $b and $b->isa('Set::Scalar::Base')
609 0 1957 unless $a->universe == $b->universe
617 3 1954 if $na and $nb == 0
618 1 1953 if $na == 0 and $nb
619 4 1274 if $na and $nb and $nc == 0
620 1943 6 if $na == $nc and $nb == $nc
621 3 3 if $nb == $nc
622 2 1 if $na == $nc
689 0 0 unless $set->universe == $universe
700 25 355 if ref $element
717 19 128 if defined $history
728 12 386 if (exists $history{$element_id}) { }
19 367 elsif (blessed $element and $element->isa('Set::Scalar::Base')) { }
729 7 5 if ($element_id eq $self_id) { }
777 2 3 if (ref $arg) { }
778 2 0 if (@_) { }
780 1 1 unless defined $$arg{'as_string_callback'}
786 2 1 if (@_) { }
788 0 2 unless defined $as_string_callback
799 4 204 if (exists $$self{'as_string_callback'}) { }
809 0 159 if exists $$self{'display'}{'element_separator'}
814 0 159 if exists $$universe{'display'}{'element_separator'}
823 0 147 if exists $$self{'display'}{'set_format'}
828 0 147 if exists $$universe{'display'}{'set_format'}