Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 79 90 87.7

line true false branch
127 450683 21676 if (@args <= 1) { }
21676 0 elsif (@args == 2) { }
133 1252 20424 if ($x == $y) { }
232 3 52 unless $set1 and $set2
233 0 52 unless $set1->cardinality and $set2->cardinality
235 5 47 if ($overlap) { }
243 25 39 $d1 < $d2 ? :
244 53 11 if (not defined $min_d or $d < $min_d)
322 12 31 if (not ref $length) { }
31 0 elsif ($length->can('member')) { }
373 5 12 if (not ref $length) { }
12 0 elsif ($length->can('member')) { }
398 10 4 if (not ref $length) { }
4 0 elsif ($length->can('member')) { }
400 9 3 if ($hole->size <= $length)
406 11 3 if ($length->member($hole->size))
443 1 12 unless $anchor
444 7 5 if (not ref $anchor) { }
5 0 elsif ($anchor->can('intersect')) { }
446 5 6 if $set->member($anchor)
451 1 4 unless $self->overlap($anchor)
453 5 3 if $set->overlap($anchor)
498 8 13 if (not ref $anchor) { }
13 0 elsif ($anchor->can('sets')) { }
509 10 34 if $s->overlap($ss)
511 26 8 if (not defined $min_d or $d <= $min_d)
512 5 21 if (defined $min_d and $d == $min_d) { }
553 102 38 defined $n && defined $islands[$n] ? :
569 9 2 if ($self->cardinality) { }
591 9 0 if ($self->cardinality) { }
614 28 1 if ($self->cardinality) { }
615 18 10 defined $$self{'iterator'} ? :
617 18 10 if ($next) { }
642 28 1 if ($self->cardinality) { }
643 18 10 defined $$self{'iterator'} ? :
644 18 10 if ($$self{'iterator'} >= 0) { }
715 0 115 if (not $sets or ref $sets ne 'HASH')
722 0 5047 unless $$sets{$id}->can('sets')
728 0 268559 unless $$a[1]->min <=> $$b[1]->min
747 2671 2685 if (not defined $edge_next or $edge + 1 == $edge_next) { }
761 99046 141498 if ($ol) { }
766 78063 63435 if ($found) { }
767 5162 72901 if $set->min > $cover->max
773 773 4583 if (@$covers > 1 and join('', @{$$covers[-1][1];}) eq join('', @{$$covers[-2][1];}))
778 5305 51 if $found