Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 68 85.2

line true false branch
27 3 5755 if @_
34 72 6394 if ($self->is_empty) { }
43 3107 3287 if ($$self[0] == -2147483548) { }
50 3107 3287 if ($$self[-1] == 2147483646) { }
92 8370 14611 if $fpos & 1
93 6651 16330 if $tpos & 1
114 21 19 if ('HASH' eq ref $el) { }
117 8 34 unless ref $_ eq 'Regexp'
123 22 27 if (my($start, $end) = $part =~ /$match_range/) { }
27 0 elsif (my($el) = $part =~ /$match_single/) { }
130 0 0 unless $part =~ /$match_single/
216 1 6 if $pos & 1
227 40 40 unless $pos & 1
236 0 242 if $lo > $hi
266 0 273 unless @_
274 510 87 if (defined $v) { }
277 186 409 unless defined $vv and $vv == $v
282 18 77 if defined $$_[$pos]
286 69 324 unless defined $v
306 3 7 if @_
310 10 13 $from == $to ? :
319 138 12145 if (@_) { }
328 138 520 if $pos >= $limit
335 30 490 if $r[1] < $clip_lo
336 0 490 if $r[0] > $clip_hi
339 10 480 if $r[0] < $clip_lo
340 10 480 if $r[1] > $clip_hi
353 12145 48728 if $pos >= $limit
390 25511 39485 if ($val < $$self[$mid]) { }
33748 5737 elsif ($val > $$self[$mid]) { }
410 0 15880 if $count % 2 != 0
415 0 22981 unless is_int $from and is_int $to
417 0 22981 unless $from <= $to
419 0 22981 unless $from >= -2147483548 and $to <= 2147483646