Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 96 62.5

line true false branch
475 0 111 unless length $t
493 43 11 unless defined $attr
494 0 11 if (ref $attr ne 'HASH')
526 0 27 unless defined $t
558 0 10 unless (defined $text)
564 1 9 if ($normalize_whitespace)
600 0 2 unless defined $text
634 13 0 if (defined $t)
637 7 6 if ($t =~ /&[a-zA-Z0-9]+;/)
640 15 1756 if (my $n = $t =~ s/&$e;/chr $dec;/eg)
662 11 0 if defined $t
773 0 4 if $t =~ s/ses$/s/i
774 0 4 if $t =~ /[aeiouy]ss$/i
776 4 0 length $t ? :
784 2 2 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and not exists $_[0]{'tag'}) { }
789 1 1 unless defined $wrap_array
791 1 1 unless defined $escape
799 0 2 if (defined $escape and $escape == 1) { }
0 2 elsif (defined $escape and $escape == 0) { }
2 0 elsif (not defined $escape) { }
811 0 4 unless (defined $perl)
815 2 2 if ($strip_plural and ref $strip_plural ne 'CODE')
820 1 3 if (ref $root) { }
821 0 1 unless $root_tag = delete $root->{'tag'}
822 0 1 unless $attrs = delete $root->{'attrs'}
829 0 4 unless (ref $perl)
831 0 0 $escape ? :
847 31 27 if (not $type) { }
0 27 elsif ($type eq 'SCALAR') { }
7 20 elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
17 3 elsif ($type eq 'HASH') { }
848 31 0 if length $root
850 23 8 $escape ? :
851 31 0 if length $root
880 8 4 if (ref $thing and ref $thing eq 'ARRAY' || ref $thing eq 'HASH' and length $root and $wrap_array)
890 8 4 if (ref $thing and ref $thing eq 'ARRAY' || ref $thing eq 'HASH' and length $root and $wrap_array)
906 8 21 if (ref $thing) { }
909 4 4 if (ref $thing eq 'ARRAY' and $strip_plural)
913 6 2 if (ref $thing ne 'ARRAY' or $wrap_array)
920 6 2 if (ref $thing ne 'ARRAY' or $wrap_array)
936 2 1 $escape ? :
968 0 0 if (scalar @xmlarr and $xmlarr[0] =~ /^<\?\s*xml/)
975 0 0 if ($count == 1)
978 0 0 if ($count == scalar(@xmlarr) - 1)
985 0 0 if ($el =~ m[^<([\w])+[^>]*/>$]) { }
0 0 elsif ($el =~ /^<([\w])+[^>]*>$/) { }
998 0 0 if ($el =~ m[^
1003 0 0 if ($indent < 0)