Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 32 65.6

line true false branch
57 0 27 unless ($searchable)
91 0 27 unless $lexicon
96 0 27 defined $prefix ? :
108 40 157 if (defined $suffix and index($lex_term, $suffix) < 0)
109 6 34 unless $lexicon->next
112 0 157 if defined $prefix and index($lex_term, $prefix) != 0
116 157 0 if ($include) { }
117 132 25 unless ($lex_term =~ /$regex/)
118 19 113 unless $lexicon->next
123 0 0 if ($lex_term =~ /$regex/)
124 0 0 unless $lexicon->next
134 25 0 if ($posting_list)
138 2 23 unless $lexicon->next
140 15 12 unless @posting_lists
149 12 0 $max_doc ? :
244 12 46 exists $raw_impact{$$self} ? :