Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 136 24.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
95 3 0 0 $#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] eq '--'
104 3 0 0 $#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/
170 150 3 0 not $next_cmd_capture and $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE || $next_cmd_no_hide
175 0 123 30 defined $pid and not $pid
185 121 2 0 not $next_cmd_capture and $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE || $next_cmd_no_hide
208 0 0 303 $_[0] and not ref $_[0]
0 153 150 $_[0] and not ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^-(in|out|rw)(\d+)?$/
291 0 0 0 not /^=/ and $targ
511 12 11 0 $last and $new_rem >= $$unit[1] / 2
514 11 2 10 not $last and $$unit[2]
3 5 5 defined $$unit[2] and not $$unit[2]
552 0 0 0 $scalar and abs $scalar < 1
717 0 0 5 ref $target and ref($target) =~ /CODE|SCALAR|REF/
824 0 0 0 @_ > 1 and $_[0] =~ /^-(.*)/
887 0 0 0 $term =~ /HASH/ and $$term{'gnu_readline_p'}
911 0 0 0 defined $dir and length $dir
923 0 0 0 @files == 1 and -d $files[0]
1129 0 0 0 not $found and -e $name

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
352 0 0 $_ ||= '(not found in POD)'
384 0 0 $TOTAL_WIDTH ||= 70
414 0 0 $left ||= ''
415 0 0 $right ||= ''
498 5 7 shift() || 4
547 0 0 shift() || ''
548 0 0 shift() || 4
645 7 1 $type ||= ''
774 0 0 shift() || 'Password: '
825 0 0 $type ||= 'string'
879 0 0 shift() || sub { s[[\n/ ]$][]; return -e $_ ? $_ : die("File `${_}' does not exist!"); }
880 0 0 shift() || 'Specified file does not exist!'
915 0 0 $file ||= ''
1016 0 0 &templater->error || 'died'
1031 0 0 $provider ||= bless({}, 'Scriptalicious::DataLoad')
1084 0 0 $vars ||= {}
1092 0 0 eval { do { $$self{'LOAD_TEMPLATES'}[0] } } || bless({}, 'Scriptalicious::DataLoad')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
152 0 0 0 $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE || $next_cmd_no_hide
170 0 0 3 $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE || $next_cmd_no_hide
185 0 0 2 $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE || $next_cmd_no_hide
211 21 0 129 $2 || ($1 eq 'out' ? 1 : 0)
347 0 0 0 $PROGNAME ||= $1
348 0 0 0 $SHORT_DESC ||= $2
411 0 0 0 @lhs or @rhs
476 0 1 0 $_[0] || $start
483 0 1 0 $_[0] || $last
507 11 12 32 $rv or $$unit[1] <= $rem
745 0 0 0 $term ||= do { bless {'IN', \*STDIN, 'OUT', \*STDOUT}, 'Scriptalicious' unless eval { do { die unless -t STDIN; require Term::ReadLine; 'Term::ReadLine'->new('Scriptalicious') } } }
800 0 0 0 $moan || "bad response `${_}'"
838 0 0 0 $_ or $default
1032 0 0 0 our $templater ||= 'Scriptalicious::Template'->new({'INTERPOLATE', 1, 'POST_CHOMP', 0, 'EVAL_PERL', 1, 'TRIM', 0, 'RECURSION', 1, 'LOAD_TEMPLATES', [$provider]})
1046 0 0 0 not ref $var or ref !($var =~ /^(ARRAY|HASH)$/)
1121 0 0 0 /^__(?!\Q$name\E)(\w+)__$/ || eof $script