Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
61 20 26 if ($sym =~ / \A TYPE_ (.+?) \z /msx)
84 0 0 $val{$name} ? :
109 15 113 $self->_object($thing, $type) ? :
14 128 $ref eq $type ? :
113 29 113 if ($id)
114 24 5 unless $self->[22]
116 0 29 if $id eq 'TYPE_IO_OBJECT'
117 15 14 if $self->[21]
134 8 65 if ($rt and $blessed and $rt eq 'REGEXP' || $rt eq 'SCALAR' and $blessed eq 'Regexp')
145 4 61 if ($rt eq 'IO')
152 1 60 if (&re::is_regexp($object))
158 50 10 if $rt ne $type