Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 61 90 67.7

line true false branch
138 1 38 if ($base eq $file)
147 3 35 unless (-e $swf)
164 196 300 if $checked{$checkfile}
166 1 299 unless (-f $checkfile)
176 11 288 unless ($up_to_date)
182 0 288 unless (-r $checkfile)
188 288 0 unless ($depends{$checkfile})
196 33 255 if ($checkfile =~ /[.]fla\z/imsx) { }
215 1 287 if (@problems > 0)
226 13 22 unless ($up_to_date)
239 34 1 if (-f $fla and my $content = File::Slurp::read_file($fla, 'binmode', ':raw'))
248 3 64 if '' eq $match
253 64 0 unless ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($path))
256 64 0 if ($root)
261 32 32 if $seen{$path}++
283 31 31 if $$seen_ref{$inc}++
286 31 0 if ($inc)
289 31 0 unless (-f $file)
291 31 0 unless ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($file))
294 31 0 if ($dir)
299 0 31 unless -f $file
320 62 221 if $$seen_ref{$imp}++
328 220 111 if ($f =~ /[*]\z/msx) { }
333 110 110 if (-d $f)
354 110 1 if (-f $f)
365 1 220 unless $found
391 31 180 if $$seen_ref{$imp}++
394 24 156 if $exceptions{$imp}
396 24 132 if $$imported_file_ref{$imp . '.as'}
398 79 0 unless $_ eq $imp
0 132 if any sub { /[.]\Q$imp\E\z/msx unless $_ eq $imp; } , @classes
404 132 0 if (-f $f)
412 0 132 unless $found
425 353 0 unless ($cached_as_classpath)
428 353 0 unless ($prefs_file and -f $prefs_file)
437 0 0 if (m[(.*?)]msx)
443 0 0 if (not $conf_dir) { }
504 0 0 $new_verbosity ? :
513 0 0 $new_verbosity =~ /\A (\d+) \z/msx ? :
1 0 !$new_verbosity ? :
537 353 0 unless ($os)
545 0 0 if (0 == @match)
559 0 299 unless -e $dest
560 11 288 if -M $dest > -M $src
568 0 1508 if ($verbosity >= $level)