Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 228 290 78.6

line true false branch
687 346 3060 if (my $handler = delete $params{'handler'})
689 346 0 unless ($subclass eq $class)
690 0 346 unless eval "require $subclass"
697 716 2344 if (ref $params{'filters'} eq 'ARRAY')
700 777 1 unless $pkg =~ /::/
701 308 470 if ($filters{$pkg}) { }
707 0 470 unless eval "require $pkg"
711 116 769 unless my $code = *{$v;}{'CODE'}
722 966 2094 unless ref $params{'to'}
726 3 3057 if $params{'verbose'}
728 1 3059 unless $params{'repos_path'}
730 1 3058 unless $params{'revision'}
741 3050 8 unless $params{'smtp'}
744 0 8 unless $params{'sendmail'} or $params{'smtp'}
747 210 2848 if ($params{'language'} and not $ENV{'LANG'})
751 0 420 if uc $encoding ne 'UTF-8'
760 0 3058 if ($params{'revision_url'} and not $params{'revision_url'} =~ /%s/)
767 77 2981 if ($params{'ticket_regex'})
773 283 11949 if ($params{$param})
776 0 283 unless $track->{$system} =~ /%s/
779 77 2981 if $track
782 3 3055 if $params{'verbose'}
830 665 0 if (my $opt = shift())
920 0 4 unless Getopt::Long::GetOptions('repos-path|p=s', \$opts->{'repos_path'}, 'revision|r=s', \$opts->{'revision'}, 'to|t=s@', \$opts->{'to'}, 'to-regex-map|x=s%', \$opts->{'to_regex_map'}, 'to-email-map=s%', \$opts->{'to_email_map'}, 'from|f=s', \$opts->{'from'}, 'user-domain|D=s', \$opts->{'user_domain'}, 'svnlook|l=s', \$opts->{'svnlook'}, 'sendmail|s=s', \$opts->{'sendmail'}, 'set-sender|E', \$opts->{'set_sender'}, 'smtp=s', \$opts->{'smtp'}, 'smtp-port=i', \$opts->{'smtp_port'}, 'smtp-tls!', \$opts->{'smtp_tls'}, 'encoding|charset|c=s', \$opts->{'encoding'}, 'diff-encoding=s', \$opts->{'diff_encoding'}, 'svn-encoding=s', \$opts->{'svn_encoding'}, 'language|g=s', \$opts->{'language'}, 'with-diff|d', \$opts->{'with_diff'}, 'attach-diff|a', \$opts->{'attach_diff'}, 'diff-switches|w=s', \$opts->{'diff_switches'}, 'diff-content-type=s', \$opts->{'diff_content_type'}, 'reply-to|R=s', \$opts->{'reply_to'}, 'subject-prefix|P=s', \$opts->{'subject_prefix'}, 'subject-cx|C', \$opts->{'subject_cx'}, 'strip-cx-regex|X=s@', \$opts->{'strip_cx_regex'}, 'no-first-line|O', \$opts->{'no_first_line'}, 'max-sub-length|i=i', \$opts->{'max_sub_length'}, 'max-diff-length|e=i', \$opts->{'max_diff_length'}, 'handler|H=s', \$opts->{'handler'}, 'filter|F=s@', \$opts->{'filters'}, 'author-url|A=s', \$opts->{'author_url'}, 'ticket-regex=s', \$opts->{'ticket_regex'}, 'ticket-map=s%', \$opts->{'ticket_map'}, 'verbose|V+', \$opts->{'verbose'}, 'help|h', \$opts->{'help'}, 'man|m', \$opts->{'man'}, 'version|v', \$opts->{'version'}, 'header=s', \$opts->{'header'}, 'footer=s', \$opts->{'footer'}, 'smtp-user=s', \$opts->{'smtp_user'}, 'smtp-pass=s', \$opts->{'smtp_pass'}, 'smtp-authtype=s', \$opts->{'smtp_authtype'}, 'add-header=s%', sub { shift(); push @{$opts->{'add_headers'}{shift()};}, shift(); } , 'revision-url|U|svnweb-url|S|viewcvs-url=s', \$opts->{'revision_url'}, 'rt-url|T|bugzilla-url|B|jira-url|J|gnats-url|G|ticket-url=s', \$opts->{'ticket_url'})
923 1 3 if (my $hand = $opts->{'handler'})
924 0 1 unless eval 'require SVN::Notify' . "::$hand"
925 0 1 if ($hand eq 'Alternative')
930 0 0 unless $opts->{'alternatives'}
931 0 0 unless eval 'require SVN::Notify' . "::$alt"
937 1 3 if ($opts->{'filters'})
939 1 0 unless $pkg =~ /::/
940 0 1 unless eval "require $pkg"
947 2 2 if (%OPTS) { }
989 26 58 if $opts->{$opt}
1047 1 2 if -f $file and -x _
1083 1 0 unless @{$self->{'to'};} or $self->{'to_regex_map'} or $self->{'to_email_map'}
1085 0 2707 unless @{$self->{'to'};}
1114 3 2796 if $self->{'verbose'}
1115 2493 71 unless ($self->{'to_regex_map'} or $self->{'subject_cx'} or $self->{'to_email_map'})
1130 71 160 $self->{'to_email_map'} ? :
75 231 $self->{'to_regex_map'} ? :
0 306 $self->{'to_regex_map'} && $self->{'to_email_map'} ? :
1133 146 160 if ($regexen) { }
1135 0 146 if $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1137 0 438 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1146 0 306 if $self->{'svn_env_lang'}
1163 2448 6192 if (/$rx/)
1164 0 2448 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1165 288 2160 unless $seen{$email}++
1169 2113 2880 if ($self->{'subject_cx'})
1177 0 300 if $self->{'subject_cx'} and $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1178 0 300 unless close $fh
1182 0 300 if $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1200 3 2790 if $self->{'verbose'}
1201 210 2583 if $self->{'svn_env_lang'}
1210 2709 0 unless ($self->{'from'})
1212 43 2666 $self->{'user_domain'} ? :
1216 2 2707 if ($self->{'verbose'} > 1)
1243 2 2707 if $self->{'verbose'}
1245 207 2502 if $self->{'svn_env_lang'}
1258 46761 0 if (s/^(.)(.)\s+//)
1259 0 46761 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1261 2404 44357 if $2 ne ' ' and $1 ne '_'
1265 51 2574 if ($self->{'subject_cx'} and $. == 1)
1270 0 51 if $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1274 0 2625 unless close $fh
1298 1 2624 if $self->{'verbose'}
1303 127 2498 if (defined $self->{'subject_prefix'}) { }
1304 59 68 if (index($self->{'subject_prefix'}, '%d') > 0) { }
1316 148 2477 if ($self->{'cx'})
1317 42 106 if (my $rx = $self->{'strip_cx_regex'})
1320 42 106 $self->{'no_first_line'} ? :
1321 148 0 if $self->{'cx'}
1325 2583 42 unless ($self->{'no_first_line'})
1328 2583 0 if $min > 10
1332 2538 45 $i > 0 ? :
1338 45 2580 if $self->{'max_sub_length'} and length $self->{'subject'} > $self->{'max_sub_length'}
1342 1 2624 if $self->{'verbose'}
1362 1 2624 if $self->{'verbose'}
1364 0 2625 unless @{$self->{'to'};}
1366 4 2621 $self->{'smtp'} ? :
1367 204 2417 if $self->{'env_lang'}
1372 0 2621 $self->{'set_sender'} ? :
1379 0 2514 unless close $out
1380 1 2513 if $self->{'verbose'}
1424 1 2661 if $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1425 2434 228 unless $no_headers
1431 704 1958 if ($self->{'with_diff'}) { }
1434 155 520 if ($self->{'attach_diff'}) { }
1462 0 2543 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1467 2155 388 $self->{'subject'} =~ /(?:\P{ASCII}|=)/s ? :
1476 2932 2502 if ($addr) { }
1477 0 2932 if (my $phrase = $addr->phrase)
1503 64 2479 if $self->{'reply_to'}
1505 1 2542 if (my $heads = $self->{'add_headers'})
1507 1 1 ref $v ? :
1536 0 2662 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1538 159 2503 if ($self->{'attach_diff'})
1546 159 2503 if $self->{'attach_diff'}
1548 201 2461 $self->{'language'} ? :
1567 15 1570 $self->{'header'} ? :
1569 62 1523 if $start and @$start
1589 103 1507 if (my $url = $self->{'revision_url'})
1595 32 1578 if (my $url = $self->{'author_url'})
1617 1 1584 if $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1625 103 1482 if (my $url = $self->{'revision_url'})
1626 103 0 if (my(@matches) = $msg =~ /\b(?:(?:rev(?:ision)?\s*#?\s*|r)(\d+))\b/gi)
1633 26 1559 if (my $map = $self->ticket_map)
1638 26 208 unless ($has_header)
1664 0 1607 unless my $files = $self->{'files'}
1665 1 1606 if $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1672 369 6059 unless $files->{$type}
1674 0 6059 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1704 0 1576 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1705 15 1561 $self->{'footer'} ? :
1707 62 1514 if $end and @$end
1724 0 228 if $self->{'verbose'} > 1
1741 0 155 if $self->{'verbose'} > 2
1746 75 80 $self->{'language'} ? :
1765 155 2478 if $self->{'attach_diff'}
1785 0 65 unless my $map = $self->ticket_map
1806 36852 1329 unless my $filters = $self->{'filters'}{$type}
1853 48 0 if defined $_
1858 48 656 $self->{'diff_switches'} ? :
1873 12 371 if (my $max = $self->{'max_diff_length'}) { }
1877 276 12 if (($length += length $_) < $max) { }
1894 0 383 unless close $diff
1955 32729 53 unless @_
1973 156 0 unless @_
1974 0 0 if (my $url = shift()) { }
1988 117 0 wantarray ? :
117 0 unless @_
2333 5 9128 if $self->{'verbose'}
2346 0 9133 unless defined $pid
2348 8848 285 if ($pid) { }
2350 8848 0 if $encode
2354 0 0 unless exec @_
2370 0 2709 unless close $fh
2389 3 0 unless $0 =~ /\bsvnnotify(?:[.]bat)?$/
2421 1 3 $notifier->{'smtp_port'} ? :
0 4 $notifier->{'smtp_tls'} ? :
1 3 $notifier->{'smtp_user'} ? :
1 3 $notifier->{'smtp_pass'} ? :
1 3 $notifier->{'verbose'} ? :
0 4 unless my $smtp = 'Net::SMTP::TLS'->new($notifier->{'smtp'}, 'Hello', Sys::Hostname::hostname(), $notifier->{'smtp_port'} ? ('Port', $notifier->{'smtp_port'}) : (), $notifier->{'smtp_tls'} ? () : ('NoTLS', 1), $notifier->{'smtp_user'} ? ('User', $notifier->{'smtp_user'}) : (), $notifier->{'smtp_pass'} ? ('Password', $notifier->{'smtp_pass'}) : (), $notifier->{'verbose'} ? ('Debug', 1) : ())