Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 52 96.1

line true false branch
22 1 225 unless defined $type
23 1 224 unless $type =~ /\A[A-Z]\w+\z/
26 1 223 if $@
27 1 222 unless defined $args
28 1 221 unless 'HASH' eq ref $args
47 193 212 unless exists $self->{$arg}
49 2 210 unless _is_color($self->{$arg})
66 187 2 unless $self->{'-allns'}
67 6 183 unless ($self->{'-sized'})
89 0 410 unless exists $valid_parms{$parm} or $class->valid_param($parm)
98 6 866 if exists $self->{$name} and $self->{$name} <= 0
99 31 835 if exists $self->{$name}
101 410 425 if defined $default
109 2 427 if exists $self->{$name} and $self->{$name} < 0
110 22 405 if exists $self->{$name}
112 405 0 if defined $default
120 129 84 unless exists $self->{'mark'}
123 1 83 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $self->{'mark'}
125 1 82 unless 0 == @{$self->{'mark'};} % 2
131 7 77 unless $index =~ /^(?:first|last|high|low|\d+)$/
133 1 76 unless _is_color($color)
142 213 101 if $color =~ /^#[[:xdigit:]]{3}$/
143 2 99 if $color =~ /^#[[:xdigit:]]{6}$/
144 1 98 if $color =~ /^rgb\(\d+,\d+,\d+\)$/
145 1 97 if $color =~ /^rgb\(\d+%,\d+%,\d+%\)$/
146 79 18 if $color =~ /^[[:alpha:]]+$/