Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 136 60.2

line true false branch
47 0 1 unless (defined $file)
52 0 1 unless (-f $file and -T $file)
58 0 1 if $spice::verbose
62 0 1 if $retValue == -1
64 0 1 if $spice::verbose
67 0 1 if $retValue == -1
73 1 0 unless (-f $spice::tmpFile)
74 1 0 if $file
76 0 1 unless (open TMPSPICE, ">$spice::tmpFile")
81 0 1 unless (open SPICE, "<$file")
87 0 1 if $spice::verbose
94 0 0 if $lineNo / 1000 == int $lineNo / 1000 and $spice::verbose
97 7 38 unless length $line
98 1 37 if $line =~ /^\s*\*/
99 3 34 if ($line =~ /^\s*\+/) { }
104 33 1 if $prevLine
108 1 0 if $prevLine
109 0 1 if $spice::verbose
119 0 1 unless (open TMPSPICE, "<$file")
127 0 34 if ($line =~ /^\s*\+/)
132 1 13 unless $line =~ /^\s*x/i or $line =~ /^\s*r/i or $line =~ /^\s*c/i or $line =~ /^\s*m/i or $line =~ /^\s*\.subckt/i or $line =~ /^\s*\.end/i
140 6 27 if ($line =~ /^\s*\.subckt/i) { }
6 21 elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\.ends/i) { }
12 9 elsif ($line =~ /^\s*x/i) { }
1 8 elsif ($line =~ /^\s*r/i) { }
1 7 elsif ($line =~ /^\s*c/i) { }
6 1 elsif ($line =~ /^\s*m/i) { }
1 0 elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\.end[\s+|\n]/i) { }
142 0 6 if ($subcktName eq '-1')
151 0 6 unless ($subcktName)
161 0 12 unless $subcktName
166 0 1 unless $subcktName
171 0 1 unless $subcktName
176 0 6 unless $subcktName
184 1 0 if -f $spice::tmpFile
203 0 6 if ($spice::DEBUG_)
204 6 0 if ($parts[0]) { }
211 1 0 if ($subckt and $spice::subckts{$subckt}) { }
227 1 0 if ($subcktName and $spice::subckts{$subcktName}) { }
237 7 1 unless $line =~ /^\s*c/i
240 1 0 if ($#retValue > 0)
254 1 0 if ($subcktName and $spice::subckts{$subcktName}) { }
264 7 1 unless $line =~ /^\s*r/i
267 1 0 if ($#retValue > 0)
276 0 2 unless ($stmt =~ /^\s*[rc]/i)
282 0 2 if ($#tmp < 3)
296 1 0 if ($subcktName and $spice::subckts{$subcktName}) { }
306 2 2 unless $line =~ /^\s*m/i
309 2 0 if ($#retValue > 0)
318 0 2 unless ($stmt =~ /^\s*m/i)
326 2 0 if ($stmt =~ /\=/) { }
329 2 0 if ($tmp[$#tmp - 1]) { }
339 0 0 if ($tmp[$#tmp]) { }
0 0 elsif ($tmp[$#tmp - 1]) { }
360 20 0 if ($subcktName and $spice::subckts{$subcktName}) { }
370 72 42 unless $line =~ /^\s*x/i
373 42 0 if ($#retValue > 0)
382 0 42 unless ($stmt =~ /^\s*x/i)
390 0 42 if ($stmt =~ /\=/) { }
393 0 0 if ($tmp[$#tmp - 1]) { }
403 42 0 if ($tmp[$#tmp]) { }
0 0 elsif ($tmp[$#tmp - 1]) { }
428 2 19 if $node2 eq $node1
436 5 26 if ($inst eq $node1)
438 5 14 unless $top
440 1 5 if $top
450 0 1 if ($#list == -1)
463 0 1 if $spice::verbose