Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 84 80.9

line true false branch
36 0 490 if (ref $items[0] eq 'DBI::db') { }
242 248 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($items[0], 'SQL::Interpolate')) { }
46 63 823 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($e, 'SQL::Interpolate::Macro')) { }
101 722 elsif (ref $e eq 'SQL::Interpolate::SQL') { }
55 667 elsif (ref $e eq 'ARRAY') { }
460 207 elsif (ref $e eq '') { }
55 16 72 if (ref $o ne '')
56 16 39 if ($complex) { }
59 0 32 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($o, 'SQL::Interpolate::Macro')) { }
16 16 elsif (ref $o eq 'SQL::Interpolate::SQL') { }
16 0 elsif (ref $o eq '' or ref $o eq 'SQL::Interpolate::Variable') { }
85 130 330 if ($interp and @{$$interp{'text_fragment_filters'};} != 0) { }
90 16 114 unless ($same)
157 6 15 if ($$e1[1][0] eq $$e2[1][0]) { }
3 12 elsif (defined $$e2[1][1] and $$e1[1][0] eq $$e2[1][1]) { }
9 3 elsif (defined $$e1[1][1] and $$e1[1][1] eq $$e2[1][0]) { }
3 0 elsif (defined $$e1[1][1] and defined $$e2[1][1] and $$e1[1][1] eq $$e2[1][1]) { }
227 36 288 if ($sql =~ /\G \b REL \( (.*?) \)/cgsx) { }
16 272 elsif ($sql =~ /\G \b LINK \( (.*?) \)/cgsx) { }
228 36 0 if $pos1 != $pos0
233 16 0 if $pos1 != $pos0
245 124 6 if $pos1 != $pos0
269 0 36 unless defined $filters
270 0 36 if @$filters > 1
281 36 79 if ($name =~ /($name_re)/s)
285 28 8 if defined $$relation{'key'}[1]
291 0 36 unless (defined $sql)
317 0 16 unless defined $filters
318 0 16 if @$filters > 1
330 36 79 if ($param =~ /($name_re)/gs)
332 28 8 defined $name2 ? :
338 0 36 unless ($match)
348 21 43 if (defined $links{$entity})
356 28 8 if defined $$param[1][1]
361 3 13 if @sql_snips > 1
404 1 5 @expand == 0 ? :
407 3 2 if @out == 0
408 2 0 if @out != 0
431 1 5 @expand == 0 ? :
434 2 2 if @out == 0
435 2 0 if @out != 0
456 0 0 $$self[0] ? :