Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 44 79.5

line true false branch
120 5 2 if ($args{'-components'})
126 6 0 unless $component =~ s/^\+//
131 4 2 if @sub_grammar
136 5 0 unless (@{$class . '::ISA';})
148 1 3 if ($type eq 'IGNORE') { }
149 0 1 unless ref $args{'-fields'}{'IGNORE'} eq 'Regexp'
155 0 3 unless does($fields_aref, 'ARRAY')
176 80 5 if $context
197 0 9 unless my $compiled_grammar = eval "use Regexp::Grammars; qr{$grammar}x"
208 34 40 if &blessed($data) and $data->can('param')
221 2 66 if $self->{'IGNORE'} and $field =~ /$self->{'IGNORE'}/
222 0 87 unless my $val = $data->{$field}
229 75 12 if ($val =~ $grammar->with_actions($self)) { }
238 8 66 if %errors
268 5 4 if (ref $vals) { }
269 0 5 unless ref $vals eq 'HASH'
271 0 5 if @others
272 2 3 if ($op eq '-in') { }
3 0 elsif ($op eq '=') { }
302 6 57 $n_values > 1 ? :
312 22 5 if length $h->{'year'} < 3
345 6 93 $is_pattern ? :