Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 54 96.3

line true false branch
275 1 50 unless exists $RESIDUAL{$$this{'table'}}
307 3 2 if ($args{'units'} eq 'metres') { }
2 0 elsif ($args{'units'} eq 'feet') { }
321 1 241 if ($args{'feet'} and $args{'metres'}) { }
68 173 elsif ($args{'feet'}) { }
2 171 elsif (not $args{'metres'}) { }
324 1 67 if $args{'feet'} <= 0
329 1 170 if $args{'metres'} <= 0
342 1 237 unless $args{'metres'}
346 56 181 if ($this->group) { }
353 235 1582 if $depth >= $args{'metres'}
414 3 58 if $args{'minutes'} <= 0
426 5 47 if ($this->surface > $MIN_SURFACE_TIME{$this->table}) { }
430 45 2 $depth > $$this{'last_depth'} ? :
444 51 465 if ($time >= $tbt)
470 273 137 if ($$this{'surface'} <= $MIN_SURFACE_TIME{$this->table})
478 1 136 unless keys %{$SURFACE{$$this{'table'}}{$$this{'group'}};}
490 133 732 if ($$this{'surface'} <= $time)
517 1 114 if (%args and not $args{'minutes'})
520 52 62 unless $args{'minutes'}
545 12 73 unless defined $rnt
548 0 73 if $max_time < 0
574 1 9 if $args{'minutes'} < 0
575 2 7 unless $args{'units'} and $args{'units'} eq 'feet' || $args{'units'} eq 'metres'
586 7 21 if ($this->max_time('metres', $depth) >= $args{'minutes'})
587 5 2 if $args{'units'} eq 'metres'
623 67 31 unless my $group = $this->group