Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 83 155 53.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
437 0 0 0 $args{'continuous'} and length $in < 16
575 0 0 3 &Scalar::Util::blessed($item) and $item->isa('Ryu::Source')
632 0 0 0 $size and $size > 0
656 0 0 1 $size and $size > 0
663 4 0 1 @batch >= $size and my(@items) = splice(@batch, 0, $size)
807 11 0 6 @pending >= $args{'high'} and $self
11 4 2 @pending >= $args{'high'} and $self and not $self->is_paused($src)
813 7 10 11 @pending and not $src->is_paused
17 0 11 @pending and not $src->is_paused and @{$self->{'children'};}
815 8 7 2 @pending < $args{'low'} and $self->is_paused($src)
820 17 0 0 $self->_completed->is_ready and not @pending
17 0 0 $self->_completed->is_ready and not @pending and not $src->_completed->is_ready
958 0 1 1 $low and $self->size <= $low
971 0 4 1 $high and $buf->size >= $high
972 0 3 2 $low and $buf->size <= $low
1193 3 0 0 &Scalar::Util::blessed($rslt) && $rslt->isa('Future')
1245 0 1 2 $_ and not $_->is_ready
1255 8 4 1 $high and keys %pending >= $high
12 0 1 $high and keys %pending >= $high and not $src->is_paused
1258 9 0 4 @pending and not $src_completed->is_ready
1265 8 2 2 $low and keys %pending <= $low
10 1 1 $low and keys %pending <= $low and $src->is_paused
1268 1 3 2 $all_finished and not $src_completed->is_ready
1529 0 0 1 &Scalar::Util::blessed($condition) and $condition->isa('Future')
1568 0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::blessed($condition) and $condition->isa('Ryu::Source')
1581 0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::blessed($condition) and $condition->isa('Future')
1768 1 1 6 defined $max and $max > $_
1788 1 3 4 defined $min and $min < $_
1872 1 7 7 defined $v and $v =~ /$args{$k}/
1874 4 3 5 defined $v and &List::Util::any(sub { $v eq $_; } , @{$args{$k};})
1882 0 10 3 defined $args{$k} && $v eq $args{$k}
2248 0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::blessed($sub) and $sub->isa('Ryu::Source')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
219 63 63 $args{'label'} //= 'unknown'
339 2 0 $ENCODER{$type} || $self->can('encode_' . $type) || die("unsupported encoding $type")
363 0 0 $DECODER{$type} || $self->can('decode_' . $type) || die("unsupported encoding $type")
741 0 0 $item->$_ // ''
792 3 0 $args{'low'} //= 10
1002 3 2 $seen{$idx} ||= 1
1052 0 0 $seen{$idx} ||= 1
1475 1 0 $count //= 0
1496 1 0 $count //= 0
1610 2 0 $count //= 0
1751 1 0 $count || 1
1836 1 0 $count || 1
2083 0 3 $self->{'on_item'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
483 0 0 0 $delim //= $/
615 0 0 0 $delim //= qr//
681 0 0 0 $delim //= $/
791 3 0 0 $args{'low'} //= $args{'high'}
793 3 0 0 $args{'high'} //= $args{'low'}
799 0 0 1 $src->_completed->is_ready or @pending
1238 4 0 1 %pending or $src_completed->is_ready
1531 2 1 2 $reached ||= &$condition($_)
1583 0 0 0 $reached ||= &$condition($_)
1828 8 1 0 $min //= $_
1829 8 1 0 $max //= $_