Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 28 92.8

line true false branch
24 45 8681 if (not defined $item) { }
8681 0 elsif (ref $item ne '') { }
27 1901 6780 if (&reftype($item) eq 'CODE') { }
901 5879 elsif (defined &blessed($item) and $item->isa('RxPerl::Subscription')) { }
3747 2132 elsif (&reftype($item) eq 'ARRAY' and not defined &blessed($item)) { }
8 2124 elsif (&reftype($item) eq 'REF') { }
1 2123 elsif (&reftype($item) eq 'SCALAR') { }
2123 0 elsif (&reftype($item) eq 'HASH' and not defined &blessed($item)) { }
31 896 5 unless $item eq $self
61 1995 234 if (grep(defined($_), @{$$self{"subscribers"};}) == 1)
66 1859 6 if defined $orig_fn
79 2422 853 if (not $self->{'closed'}) { }
89 821 1955 if $self->{'closed'}++
93 2105 84 if defined $subscriber