Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 54 94 57.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1086 0 2 $own_subscriber->{'next'} &&= sub { $subscriber->{'next'}->($mapping_value) if defined $subscriber->{'next'}; }
1797 0 1 $own_subscriber->{'next'} &&= sub { my($v) = @_; push @skipped, $v; if (@skipped > $skip_count) { my $new_v = shift @skipped; $subscriber->{'next'}->($new_v) if defined $subscriber->{'next'}; } ; }

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
119 0 0 2 @buffer and defined $subscriber->{'next'}
408 3 0 4 not $source_emitted and exists $subscriber->{'next'}
454 3 2 689 $completed and not %timers
512 0 2 1 $main_finished and not %mini_subscriptions
609 4 11 12 $have_prev_value && &$comparison_function($prev_value, $value[0])
750 2 0 0 $big_completed and defined $subscriber->{'complete'}
760 0 0 0 not $active_subscription and defined $subscriber->{'complete'}
804 45 0 30 $passes and defined $subscriber->{'next'}
935 0 0 5 exists $observables{$key} and defined $observables{$key}{'next'}
1159 2 0 1 $$big_completed_ref and not %$small_subscriptions
1218 1 0 1 not %small_subscriptions and defined $subscriber->{'complete'}
1384 2 1 4 (&reftype($cursor) // "") eq "HASH" and exists $cursor->{$key}
1442 0 0 4 $got_first and defined $subscriber->{'next'}
1728 3 0 0 @found > 1 and defined $subscriber->{'error'}
1812 0 0 6 &blessed($notifier) and $notifier->isa("RxPerl::Observable")
1837 0 21 11 defined $subscriber->{'next'} and $notifier_has_emitted
1881 2 0 4 $should_display and defined $subscriber->{'next'}
1926 0 0 0 $chief_is_complete and defined $subscriber->{'complete'}
1947 1 0 0 $sub_is_complete and defined $subscriber->{'complete'}
1993 140 2 50 --$remaining == 0 and defined $subscriber->{'complete'}
2081 1 0 1 $include and defined $subscriber->{'next'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
593 2 2 $comparison_function //= \&RxPerl::Operators::Pipeable::_eqq
824 4 4 $subscriber->{'_subscription'}{'_finalize_cbs'} //= []
1384 5 2 &reftype($cursor) // ""
1767 0 1 $own_subscriber //= {%$subscriber, "next", sub { if ($count-- <= 0) { $subscriber->{'next'}->(@_) if defined $subscriber->{'next'}; } ; } }
2107 0 0 &reftype($args[0]) // ""
2109 0 0 $tap_subscriber //= {map({$_, shift @args;} "next", "error", "complete")}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
146 1 2 0 $start_buffer_every //= $buffer_size
306 0 7 7 not $predicate or &$predicate($v, $idx++)
929 3 2 0 $observables{$key} //= do { my $new_obs = rx_subject()->new; push @observables, $new_obs; $subscriber->{'next'}->($new_obs); $new_obs }
1201 2 3 21 not defined $concurrent or keys %small_subscriptions < $concurrent
1435 14 0 0 $ok or $subscriber->{'error'}->($@)