Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 26 46.1

line true false branch
44 2 1 if ($parent)
51 2 6 if $parent_columns{$col->name}
54 0 6 if (ref $value eq 'DateTime')
59 0 0 if ($offset =~ /\d{4}/) { }
0 0 elsif ($offset =~ /^UTC|floating/) { }
69 0 6 if $skip_re and $accessor =~ /$skip_re/
74 2 1 unless $rel->object_has_related_objects($self)
76 0 1 unless $self->can($name)
77 0 1 if ($rel->type eq 'one to one') { }
1 0 elsif ($rel->type eq 'one to many') { }
82 0 2 unless $child->can('as_hash')
108 0 0 unless @_ > 0
109 0 0 ref $_[0] ? :