Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 58 81.0

line true false branch
34 84 0 if (exists $args{'name'}) { }
55 0 4 if @_ > 1
56 2 2 wantarray ? :
72 0 3 if ($field->isa('Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Group')) { }
74 0 0 if $Debug
79 0 3 if $Debug
100 171 1642 if (@_)
141 704 7 !$type || $type eq 'input_value' ? :
143 83 628 if (my $split = $self->decompose_value($value))
157 7 1258 if (@_)
174 19 70 if ($self->_is_full) { }
180 18 52 if ($self->is_empty) { }
194 27 62 if ($parent)
205 0 4 unless my $field = $self->field($name)
213 704 449 if (@_)
217 0 704 if (my $parent = $self->parent_field and $self->auto_invalidate_parent)
227 922 30 if (defined $ret or $self->is_empty or $self->has_partial_value)
241 174 3991 unless $field->is_empty
253 35 113 if $field->is_empty
263 5 18 if ($self->required)
270 11 4 unless (length $field->input_value_filtered)
272 6 16 unless $field->error_label
276 5 0 if (@missing)
278 2 3 if (@missing == $self->num_fields)
297 0 0 if $field->can("disabled")
310 5 6 if ($error_id == 3)
314 4 1 if (ref $args eq 'HASH' and keys %$args) { }
316 3 1 if ($args->{'missing'}) { }
318 2 1 if (@{$args->{'missing'};} > 1) { }