Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 45 68 66.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
20 27 0 0 "$]" < 5.011 && !("$]" >= 5.009004 && "$]" < 5.010001)
21 0 27 0 "$]" >= 5.012 && "$]" < 5.02
89 0 89 2 $non_methods and %$non_methods
101 1 0 5 exists $old_non_methods->{$sub} and $non_methods->{$sub} != $subs->{$sub}
243 1 1 1 $me->can('apply_single_role_to_package') != \&Role::Tiny::apply_single_role_to_package && $me->can('role_application_steps') == \&Role::Tiny::role_application_steps
293 0 120 1 not $IN_APPLY_ROLES and _want_backcompat_hack($me)
371 1 78 136 $info and $info->{'methods'}
377 78 0 398 exists $non_methods->{$sub} and $non_methods->{$sub} == $subs->{$sub}
419 69 16 0 $i =~ /^\(/ and defined &overload::nil && $methods->{$i} == \&overload::nil || defined &overload::_nil && $methods->{$i} == \&overload::_nil
477 0 59 56 $to->can('DOES') and $to->can('DOES') != ('UNIVERSAL'->can('DOES') || 0)
545 297 0 244 $INFO{$role} && ($INFO{$role}{'is_role'} || $INFO{$role}{'requires'} || $INFO{$role}{'not_methods'} || $INFO{$role}{'non_methods'})

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
143 2 13 $INFO{$target}{'modifiers'} ||= []
148 0 13 $INFO{$target}{'requires'} ||= []
170 49 81 $APPLIED_TO{$to} ||= {}
333 27 113 $INFO{$name}{'requires'} || []
337 1 4 $to_info->{'requires'} ||= []
435 11 22 $info ? $info->{'modifiers'} : $COMPOSED{'modifiers'}{$to} ||= []
477 115 0 'UNIVERSAL'->can('DOES') || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
188 0 7 0 $COMPOSED{'abbrev'}{$new_name} ||= do {
279 1 2 0 $COMPOSED{'base'}{$to} || $to
320 3 16 0 $COMPOSITE_INFO{join '|', sort(@roles)} ||= do {
333 0 140 0 $requires ||= $INFO{$name}{'requires'} || []
419 9 0 7 defined &overload::nil && $methods->{$i} == \&overload::nil || defined &overload::_nil && $methods->{$i} == \&overload::_nil
479 59 0 0 $to->can('DOES') || $to->can('isa') || $FALLBACK
530 9 29 0 ref $proto || $proto