Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 82 207 39.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
97 16 0 0 $opts{'world'} and not $opts{'name'}
159 0 0 0 @_ and not exists $$self{$name}
304 0 0 0 $opts{'minw'} and $rw < $opts{'minw'}
305 0 0 0 $opts{'minh'} and $rh < $opts{'minh'}
306 0 0 0 $opts{'maxw'} and $rw > $opts{'maxw'}
307 0 0 0 $opts{'maxh'} and $rh > $opts{'maxh'}
316 0 0 0 $rh and $rw
398 40 0 0 $x1 == $x2 and $y1 == $y2
423 6934 181 26 $tx == $x2 and $ty == $y2
471 6543 297 14 $tx == $x2 and $ty == $y2
651 4 0 29 $self->okdoor($x, $y) and $$self{'dsym'}
661 0 0 32 $$self{'wsym'} and $$self{'fsym'}
770 4 7 2 $x == $x2 and $y == $y2
794 0 0 0 $$self{'wsym'} and $$self{'fsym'}
864 0 0 0 $_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] < $$self{'w'} && $_[1] >= 0 && $_[1] < $$self{'h'}
937 34 44 2593 $_[0] > 0 && $_[0] < $$self{'w'} - 2 && $_[1] > 0 && $_[1] < $$self{'h'} - 2
965 1289 87 2593 not $v[$tx][$ty] and $self->diginbound($tx, $ty)
1095 0 0 0 $cNx < $opts{'w'} - 1 and $cNx >= 1
0 0 0 $cNx < $opts{'w'} - 1 and $cNx >= 1 and $cNy < $opts{'h'} - 1
0 0 0 $cNx < $opts{'w'} - 1 and $cNx >= 1 and $cNy < $opts{'h'} - 1 and $cNy >= 1
1262 186 0 0 $memtyp == 2 and $$self{'memcolor'}
1299 0 0 3 $$ob{'y'} - $oy >= 0 and $$ob{'x'} - $ox >= 0
0 0 3 $$ob{'y'} - $oy >= 0 and $$ob{'x'} - $ox >= 0 and $$ob{'x'} - $ox < $$opts{'dispw'}
0 0 3 $$ob{'y'} - $oy >= 0 and $$ob{'x'} - $ox >= 0 and $$ob{'x'} - $ox < $$opts{'dispw'} and $$ob{'y'} - $oy < $$opts{'disph'}
1303 0 3 0 $vp and $ob != $vp
3 0 0 $vp and $ob != $vp and not $$vp{'memory'}{$$self{'name'}}[$$ob{'x'}][$$ob{'y'}] eq $$ob{'sym'}
1327 0 0 1 $$m{'x'} == $x and $$m{'y'} == $y
1345 0 0 0 $$i{'x'} == $x and $$i{'y'} == $y
1365 0 0 0 $$m{'x'} == $x and $$m{'y'} == $y
1428 6999 1412 455 int $x[$j] eq $x and int $y[$j] eq $y
1432 670 300 7441 $dx != 0 and $dy != 0
970 0 7441 $dx != 0 and $dy != 0 and abs $dx / $dy > 0.1
300 0 7441 $dx != 0 and $dy != 0 and abs $dx / $dy > 0.1 and abs $dy / $dx > 0.1
1434 6527 787 127 round($x[$j]) eq $x and round($y[$j]) eq $y
7314 49 78 round($x[$j]) eq $x and round($y[$j]) eq $y and $i >= $dist - 1
1464 0 0 2160 $vp and $$vp{'hasmem'}
1524 2851 2748 0 $$self{'map'}[$x][$y] eq $sym and $mobok || !$self->mobat($x, $y)
12022 5599 0 defined $$self{'map'}[$x][$y] and ($$self{'map'}[$x][$y] eq $sym and $mobok || !$self->mobat($x, $y))
1564 0 0 0 $y < $$self{'h'} and $y <= $xy
1565 0 0 0 $x < $$self{'w'} and $x <= $xx
1740 2 0 0 $opts{'yxarray'} and ref $opts{'yxarray'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
329 0 0 0 $rw <= 1 or $rh <= 1
336 0 0 0 $x > $rx + $rw or $y > $ry + $rh
342 0 0 0 $$m[$rx + $i][$ry - 1] or $ry == 0
352 0 0 0 $$m[$rx - 1][$ry + $i] or $rx == 0
410 0 0 43648 $tx < 0 or $ty < 0
411 0 0 43648 $tx >= $$self{'w'} or $ty >= $$self{'h'}
459 0 0 49496 $tx < 0 or $ty < 0
460 0 0 49496 $tx >= $$self{'w'} or $ty >= $$self{'h'}
463 0 0 49496 not defined $$self{'map'}[$tx][$ty] or $$self{'map'}[$tx][$ty] eq ''
514 0 0 217 not defined $$self{'map'}[$tx][$ty] or $$self{'map'}[$tx][$ty] eq ''
520 0 0 129 $tx < 0 or $ty < 0
521 0 0 129 $tx >= $$self{'w'} or $ty > $$self{'h'}
554 0 0 2937 $x <= 0 or $y <= 0
555 0 0 2937 $x >= $$self{'w'} - 1 or $y >= $$self{'h'} - 1
558 35 2736 166 not defined $c or $c eq $ws
2771 0 166 not defined $c or $c eq $ws or $c eq ''
565 5543 0 16625 not defined $c or $c eq ''
619 140 1 123 !defined($sym) || index($$self{'nomove'}, $sym) >= 0 || $sym eq $$self{'dsym'}
737 303 0 26 $iswall or $$self{'map'}[$x][$y] eq ''
768 0 0 307 $x <= 1 or $y <= 1
0 0 307 $x <= 1 or $y <= 1 or $x >= $$self{'w'} - 1
0 0 307 $x <= 1 or $y <= 1 or $x >= $$self{'w'} - 1 or $y >= $$self{'h'} - 1
801 0 0 0 $x != $x2 or $y != $y2
1384 0 0 2171 $$vp{'pov'} < 0 or not defined $$vp{'pov'}
1446 1899 0 1130 $ok[0] or $ok[1]
452 0 678 $ok[0] or $ok[1] or $ok[2]
187 0 491 $ok[0] or $ok[1] or $ok[2] or $ok[3]
1524 0 2748 0 $mobok || !$self->mobat($x, $y)