Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 28 75.0

line true false branch
46 1 107 unless (defined $target and defined $key)
50 104 3 if (&reftype($target) eq 'HASH') { }
0 3 elsif (&reftype($target) eq 'ARRAY') { }
3 0 elsif (&reftype($target) eq 'CODE') { }
51 0 104 if (ref $key)
68 0 91 unless (defined $target)
69 0 0 if (&in_global_destruction())
75 7 84 unless $actions
81 81 4 if (defined $etarget and $target eq $etarget and not defined $key or $key eq $ekey)
90 36 48 if (not @$actions)
91 36 0 if defined $ref and ref $Wizard
102 6 240 if ref $key
104 92 154 unless ($data)
112 57 165 if (defined $etarget and defined $ekey and $target == $etarget and $key eq $ekey)