Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 26 42.3

line true false branch
37 1 0 if scalar @$plugins > 0
170 0 13 if $c->module_root_namespace ne ''
173 12 1 if $path[0] and $rootModule->has_subarg($path[0])
180 1 0 if @path == 0 and not $c->config->{'Model::RapidApp'}{'root_template'}
199 1 0 unless my $model = $c->config->{'Plugin::RapidApp::AuthCore'}{'linked_user_model'}
200 0 0 unless my $M = $c->model($model)
210 0 0 unless $lSource->has_column($key_col)
214 0 0 if $_ ne 'id'
238 0 5 if ($c->user)
243 0 5 if (&blessed($user)) { }
247 5 0 if ($c->authenticate({'username', $user, 'password', $pass})) { }
257 0 5 unless $username
259 0 5 if ($error)