Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 44 72.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
81 0 184 597 defined $new and not &blessed($new)
94 0 0 2 defined $sel->{'value'} and defined $sel->{'text'}
101 0 0 2 $sel->{'iconCls'} and jstrue($new->{'render_icon_only'})
146 0 0 1 defined $self->{'editor'}{'header'} and $self->{'editor'}{'header'} ne ''
179 909 0 0 defined $self->{'renderer'} and not &blessed($self->{'renderer'})
264 129 129 823 exists $self->{'allow_edit'} and not jstrue($self->{'allow_edit'})
283 128 66 887 exists $self->{'allow_add'} and not jstrue($self->{'allow_add'})
308 906 77 98 exists $self->{'allow_view'} and not jstrue($self->{'allow_view'})
320 823 1 159 $self->no_column && $self->{'_allow_view_init_unset'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
123 1 0 $new->{'mode'} || 'combo'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
143 0 1 0 $new->{'header'} || $self->header
274 118 9 131 !$self->{'editor'} || $self->no_column && $self->{'_allow_edit_init_unset'}
292 66 2 126 exists $self->{'allow_add'} or $self->allow_edit
2 124 2 exists $self->{'allow_add'} or $self->allow_edit or $self->{'_allow_edit_init_unset'}
299 119 6 67 !$self->{'editor'} || $self->no_column && !$self->allow_edit && $self->{'_allow_add_init_unset'}