Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 38 63.1

line true false branch
136 12 0 unless ($target and ref $target eq 'CODE' || blessed $target && $target->isa('IO::Handle'))
143 0 4 unless $$self{'columns'}
146 4 0 if (ref $target eq 'CODE') { }
168 0 8 if ($j == 0 and $columns == 0) { }
4 4 elsif ($j == 0) { }
4 0 elsif ($j == $columns) { }
182 4 4 if $title < @{$$column[2];}
185 4 0 if ($title)
198 0 8 if ($j == 0 and $columns == 0) { }
4 4 elsif ($j == 0) { }
4 0 elsif ($j == $columns) { }
222 0 41 unless (grep {defined $$self{'columns'}[$_][1][$i];} 0 .. $columns)
233 82 0 defined $$column[1][$i] ? :
237 0 82 if ($j == 0 and $columns == 0) { }
41 41 elsif ($j == 0) { }
41 0 elsif ($j == $columns) { }
258 0 8 if ($j == 0 and $columns == 0) { }
4 4 elsif ($j == 0) { }
4 0 elsif ($j == $columns) { }