Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 32 87.5

line true false branch
59 0 2244 $RPerl::Parser::OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ? :
92 324 1920 if ($rperl_source__perl_syntax_retval != 0)
99 51 273 if (length $rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring < 120) { }
118 4 1920 unless ($rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_line =~ /WARNING\sW/msx or $rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_line =~ /ERROR\sE/msx or $rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_line =~ /\[\[\[\ BEGIN\s/msx or $rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_line =~ /\[\[\[\ END\s/msx or $rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_line =~ /syntax\sOK/msx)
134 4 1916 if (scalar @{$rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_warnings;} != 0)
141 2 2 if (scalar @{$rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_warnings;} == 1 and length $rperl_source__perl_syntax_retstring_warnings->[0] < 120) { }
162 0 1916 unless (-f $rperl_source__file_name)
166 0 1916 unless open my filehandleref $FILE_HANDLE, '<', $rperl_source__file_name
180 0 1916 unless close $FILE_HANDLE
184 1 1915 if (substr($file_line_last, -1, 1) ne "\n" and not $file_line_last =~ /^\s+$/msx)
215 171 1744 if ($rperl_source__critic_num_violations > 0) { }
222 148 44 if (ref $violation->{'_explanation'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
247 96 300 unless (defined $value)
251 14 382 if ($value =~ /\d/msx)
271 396 6356 if ($is_first_expected) { }
345 256 80 if ($RPerl::Grammar::RULES->{$rule} ne 'RPerl::NonGenerator')