Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 85 90 94.4

line true false branch
154 1 3 if (my $g = $source->{'graph'})
155 0 1 &blessed($g) ? :
157 0 4 if ($source->{'url'}) { }
4 0 elsif ($source->{'file'}) { }
164 0 4 unless open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $source->{'file'}
202 2195 1001 if (scalar @_ >= 4)
205 65 2130 if (&blessed($g) and not $g->is_variable)
213 4248 5340 if (&blessed($n) and not $n->is_variable)
219 2195 1001 $use_quad ? :
231 889 112 if ($bound)
249 275 1195 unless (&blessed($s))
270 713 1947 unless (defined $e)
276 333 1614 unless (&blessed($st))
281 424 1190 if ($seen{$triple->as_string}++)
296 792 1403 if ($bound == 0)
302 792 1581 unless $i <= $#{$$self{'statements'};}
317 50 1353 if ($bound == 1) { }
326 1 49 unless (&blessed($match_set))
347 2 2749 unless (&blessed($s))
366 1395 2022 unless (scalar @e)
404 142 4045 if ($st->isa('RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad')) { }
405 1 141 if (&blessed($context))
410 13 4032 if (&blessed($context)) { }
420 11 4175 if ($self->{'statement_hashes'}{$st_hash}++)
423 7 4 if $count
435 7680 9036 unless (&blessed($set))
444 953 3226 unless (exists $self->{'ctx_nodes'}{$str})
461 109 55 if ($st->isa('RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad')) { }
462 1 108 if (&blessed($context))
467 4 51 if (&blessed($context)) { }
477 11 152 unless (exists $self->{'statement_hashes'}{$st_hash})
481 144 8 if (0 == --$self->{'statement_hashes'}{$st_hash})
488 152 0 if ($count > 0)
500 92 516 if ($set->size == 0)
501 18 74 if ($pos == 3)
544 261 645 if (scalar @_ >= 4)
548 197 64 if (&blessed($g) and not $g->is_variable)
561 1628 1090 if (&blessed($n) and not $n->is_variable)
569 261 645 if ($use_quad) { }
570 35 226 if ($bound == 0) { }
34 192 elsif ($bound == 1) { }
578 4 30 unless (&blessed($set))
598 5 696 unless (&blessed($s))
687 1 612 unless (&blessed($s))
696 152 1 if ($i->size == 1) { }