Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 153 198 77.2

line true false branch
86 256 7 if (defined $args{'BNodePrefix'}) { }
0 7 elsif (defined $args{'bnode_prefix'}) { }
114 136 0 &blessed($proto) ? :
116 0 136 if (&blessed($uri) and $uri->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource'))
126 0 242 if ($context) { }
146 4 132 unless ($string)
149 132 0 if ($base)
150 132 0 unless (&blessed($base))
156 132 0 if ($handler)
161 0 132 if (ref $string) { }
168 0 132 if ($@)
173 0 132 if ($nodes and scalar @$nodes)
178 0 132 if ($expect and scalar @$expect > 2)
200 130 0 unless (ref $fh)
203 0 130 unless open $fh, '<', $filename
205 128 2 if ($base)
206 128 0 unless (&blessed($base))
212 130 0 if ($handler)
219 0 130 if ($@)
224 0 130 if ($nodes and scalar @$nodes)
229 0 130 if ($expect and scalar @$expect > 2)
257 0 263 if (defined $args{'BNodePrefix'}) { }
263 0 elsif (defined $args{'bnode_prefix'}) { }
272 1 262 if (my $ns = $args{'namespaces'})
275 0 263 if (my $base = $args{'base'})
294 0 5039 if (scalar @{$self->{'expect'};} == 0)
320 783 24 unless ($self->expect == 8)
323 260 547 if ($self->{'depth'} == 1 and $el->{'NamespaceURI'} eq '' and $el->{'LocalName'} eq 'RDF') { }
329 0 547 if ($expect == 0)
333 288 259 if ($expect == 1 or $expect == 4) { }
0 259 elsif ($self->expect == 22) { }
235 24 elsif ($self->expect == 2) { }
24 0 elsif ($self->expect == 8) { }
339 8 280 if ($self->expect == 4)
340 4 4 if (defined $self->{'characters'} and length(my $string = $self->{'characters'}))
341 0 4 if ($string =~ /\S/)
349 4 284 if ($self->peek_expect == 22) { }
4 280 elsif ($self->expect == 4) { }
352 2 2 if (my $last = $self->{'collection_last'}[0])
366 202 86 if ($uri eq '') { }
390 44 191 if ($node->uri_value eq '')
397 12 223 if (my $data = $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}datatype'})
401 22 213 if (my $data = $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}ID'}) { }
408 34 201 if (my $pt = $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}parseType'}) { }
69 132 elsif (my $data = $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}resource'}) { }
10 122 elsif (my $ndata = $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}nodeID'}) { }
10 112 elsif (my $node = $self->parse_literal_property_attributes($el)) { }
409 14 20 if ($pt->{'Value'} eq 'Resource') { }
18 2 elsif ($pt->{'Value'} eq 'Literal') { }
2 0 elsif ($pt->{'Value'} eq 'Collection') { }
460 4 20 if ($el->{'Prefix'}) { }
468 22 2 if (my $ns = $el->{'NamespaceURI'})
470 10 12 unless ($self->{'defined_literal_namespaces'}{$abbr}{$ns})
472 4 6 if (length $abbr)
479 0 24 if (%$attr)
484 0 0 if ($el->{'Prefix'}) { }
516 260 547 if ($expect == 1) { }
312 235 elsif ($expect == 2) { }
211 24 elsif ($expect == 4 or $expect == 8 and $self->{'literal_depth'} == $self->{'depth'}) { }
0 24 elsif ($expect == 22) { }
24 0 elsif ($expect == 8) { }
525 24 288 if ($self->expect == 2) { }
535 79 132 if (exists $self->{'rdf:resource'})
546 126 85 if (defined $self->{'characters'})
558 2 209 if ($self->expect == 22)
569 2 0 if (my $last = $self->{'collection_last'}[0])
588 4 20 if ($el->{'Prefix'}) { }
599 783 24 if ($cleanup)
612 158 10 if ($expect == 8 or $expect == 4 and $self->{'chars_ok'})
633 2 66 unless ($ns)
635 2 0 unless length $ns
638 4 62 if $ns eq ''
639 2 60 if $ns eq ''
644 2 58 if ($uri eq '') { }
657 56 433 $asserted ? :
672 389 0 if ($self->{'sthandler'})
673 0 389 if ($self->{'canonicalize'})
675 0 0 if ($o->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Literal') and $o->has_datatype)
685 22 367 if (defined(my $id = $self->{'reify_id'}[0]))
704 204 84 if ($el->{'Attributes'}{'{}about'}) { }
30 54 elsif ($el->{'Attributes'}{'{}ID'}) { }
8 46 elsif ($el->{'Attributes'}{'{}nodeID'}) { }
726 26 757 if (exists $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}base'})
736 8 775 if (exists $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}lang'})
749 2 432 if (&blessed(my $ns = $self->{'namespaces'}))
750 2 0 unless ($ns->namespace_uri($prefix))
756 19 764 if (exists $el->{'Attributes'}{'{}xmlns'})
768 286 757 if ($base)
769 0 286 &blessed($base) && $base->isa('URI') ? :
785 974 2270 if (length $base)
807 4 418 if (length $lang)
830 523 788 if (exists $pad->{$prefix})
840 188 8 if (my $prefix = $self->{'prefix'}) { }
852 30 154 if (my $dt = $self->{'datatype'}) { }
4 150 elsif (my $lang = $self->get_language) { }
854 18 12 if ($dt eq '')
855 0 18 if ($RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML::HAS_XML_LIBXML)
857 0 0 if ($string =~ /^</)
863 0 0 if ($@)