Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 20 80.0

line true false branch
63 2 1 if (exists $args{'namespaces'})
71 0 4 if (&blessed($uri))
73 0 0 if (&blessed($uri))
135 3 8 if ($self->{'first'})
153 0 1 if ($self->{'first'})
167 2 1 if (@nskeys)
203 6 33 if (defined $self->{'last'}[$i] and $nodes[$i]->equal($self->{'last'}[$i]))
221 24 12 if ($obj->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource'))
225 13 6 if (&blessed($self) and exists $self->{'ns'}{$ns})
230 13 11 if ($value)