Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 24 83.3

line true false branch
22 8 21 if (defined $language)
23 5 3 if ($language =~ /$LANGTAG/) { }
3 0 elsif (not defined $datatype) { }
31 13 16 unless &blessed($literal) and $literal->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Literal')
33 0 29 unless defined $literal
45 13 17 unless @_ and $lang
49 0 17 unless $xxx =~ /$LANGTAG/
51 8 9 if ($xxx eq "$lang" or $xxx =~ s/-$// and index($lang, $xxx) == 0)
61 10 2 unless @_ and $type
65 2 1 if $t->is_resource and $t->str eq $type->str
75 0 11 unless $method =~ /^is_(.+)$/
78 5 6 if $self->lang($1)