Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 168 0.0

line true false branch
46 0 0 unless defined $params{$_}
55 0 0 unless exists $AllowedNewParams{$_}
77 0 0 if $self->db
95 0 0 unless @_
120 0 0 if ($n == 1) { }
126 0 0 if (not defined $value and $doblocking == 1)
129 0 0 unless $value
141 0 0 if ($n > 30)
144 0 0 if $l < $n
148 0 0 if (defined $_[0])
154 0 0 if (@items == 0 and $doblocking == 1)
157 0 0 if (defined $serial)
162 0 0 if (defined $_[0])
173 0 0 unless (eval { do { $conn->rpoplpush($qn, $bq, sub { if (defined $_[0]) { push @items, 'Queue::Q::ReliableFIFO::Item'->new('_serialized', $_[0]); } ; } ) foreach (1 .. $n); $conn->wait_all_responses; if (@items == 0 and $doblocking == 1) { $serial = $conn->brpoplpush($qn, $bq, $timeout); if (defined $serial) { push @items, 'Queue::Q::ReliableFIFO::Item'->new('_serialized', $serial); undef $serial; $conn->rpoplpush($qn, $bq, sub { if (defined $_[0]) { push @items, 'Queue::Q::ReliableFIFO::Item'->new('_serialized', $_[0]); } ; } ) foreach (1 .. $n - 1); $conn->wait_all_responses; } ; } ; 1 } })
182 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
243 0 0 unless (eval { do { $n += $self->_lua->call('requeue_busy', 3, $self->_busy_queue, $self->_main_queue, $self->_failed_queue, time, $_->_serialized, $self->requeue_limit, $place, $error || '') foreach (@_); 1 } })
273 0 0 unless (eval { do { foreach $_ (@_) { $n += $self->_lua->call('requeue_failed_item', 2, $self->_failed_queue, $self->_main_queue, time, $_->_serialized); &usleep(100000); } ; 1 } })
281 0 0 if (@_ == 1)
292 0 0 unless (defined $n)
305 0 0 if ($self->queue_length('failed') > 0)
343 0 0 if ($self->queue_length('failed') > 0)
364 0 0 if $total_removed == 0
402 0 0 unless $serial
416 0 0 unless $serial
451 0 0 if not exists $QueueType{$$type}
460 0 0 if $mem_avail == 0
476 0 0 unless exists $ValidErrorActions{$error_action}
486 0 0 $options ? :
488 0 0 if !$chunk > 0
490 0 0 if exists $options->{'DieOnError'}
499 0 0 if $process_all and $chunk <= 1
501 0 0 if $pause and $chunk <= 1
505 0 0 unless exists $ValidOptions{$_}
507 0 0 $maxseconds > 0 ? :
512 0 0 ref $SIG{'INT'} eq 'CODE' ? :
513 0 0 ref $SIG{'TERM'} eq 'CODE' ? :
517 0 0 if $sigint
518 0 0 $nohandlers ? :
522 0 0 if $sigterm
523 0 0 $nohandlers ? :
525 0 0 if ($chunk == 1) { }
531 0 0 unless ($item)
532 0 0 if $return_when_empty or $stop_time > 0 and time >= $stop_time
538 0 0 if (not $ok) { }
540 0 0 if $warn_on_error and $error
544 0 0 unless (eval { do { &$onerror($self, $item, $error); 1 } })
545 0 0 if $stop
551 0 0 if ($return)
560 0 0 unless (eval { do { $done_count += $self->mark_item_as_done($item); 1 } })
561 0 0 if $stop
568 0 0 if $maxitems > 0 and --$maxitems == 0 or $stop_time > 0 and time >= $stop_time
572 0 0 if $self->warn_on_requeue and $still_busy
582 0 0 if ($pause)
584 0 0 if $pt > 0
588 0 0 unless (eval { do { @items = $self->claim_item($chunk); 1 } })
591 0 0 if $pause
592 0 0 if (@items == 0)
593 0 0 if $return_when_empty or $stop_time > 0 and time >= $stop_time
598 0 0 if ($process_all) { }
601 0 0 if ($ok) { }
608 0 0 if $warn_on_error and $error
613 0 0 unless (eval { do { &$onerror($self, $item, $error); 1 } })
614 0 0 if $stop
620 0 0 if ($return)
624 0 0 if $stop
632 0 0 if ($ok) { }
637 0 0 if $warn_on_error and $error
642 0 0 unless (eval { do { &$onerror($self, $item, $error); 1 } })
643 0 0 if $stop
649 0 0 if ($return)
654 0 0 if $stop
660 0 0 unless (eval { do { $count += $self->mark_item_as_done(@done); 1 } })
661 0 0 if $stop
667 0 0 if $self->warn_on_requeue and $count != @done
671 0 0 if (@items > 0)
676 0 0 unless (eval { do { $self->unclaim($_) foreach (@items); 1 } })
677 0 0 if $stop
684 0 0 if $maxitems > 0 and ($maxitems -= @done) <= 0 or $stop_time > 0 and time >= $stop_time
702 0 0 unless int $timeout
703 0 0 unless $action and $action =~ /^(?:requeue|drop)$/
716 0 0 if ($action eq 'requeue') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'drop') { }
722 0 0 if $n
729 0 0 if $n