Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 142 2.8

line true false branch
173 0 0 if ($self->to_delete_count)
189 0 0 if ($self->bigtodo) { }
275 0 0 if ($bouncehash->{$msgno})
278 0 0 if ($self->bigtodo)
279 0 0 if ($todohash->{$msgno})
326 1 0 unless @ARGV
486 10 10 $option{$_}{'arg'} ? :
492 0 0 unless (exists $option{$opt})
496 0 0 if ($option{$opt}{'arg'} and not $opt{$opt})
500 0 0 if ($option{$opt}{'arg'}) { }
520 1 0 unless $self->deletions
523 0 0 if (my $qmpid = $self->qmail_pid) { }
526 0 0 if ($self->commands->{'stop'} ne '') { }
529 0 0 if (system($self->commands->{'stop'}) > 0)
567 0 0 unless $self->restart
570 0 0 if (my $qmpid = $self->qmail_pid)
595 0 0 unless open my $msg_fh, '<', "${queue}mess/$msg_id"
599 0 0 unless /\S/
600 0 0 if (/^Subject: (.*)/)
621 0 0 unless open my $msg_fh, '<', "$queue/info/$msg_id"
643 0 0 if (my $qmpid = $self->qmail_pid) { }
693 0 0 unless /\S/
695 0 0 if (/^$h: (.*)/)
711 0 0 unless exists $msg{$header{$_}}
738 0 0 unless ($self->summary)
740 0 0 if $local and not $msglist->{$msg}{'local'}
741 0 0 if $remote and not $msglist->{$msg}{'remote'}
761 0 0 if ($msg_id =~ /\D/)
770 0 0 if ($msg =~ m[/$msg_id$])
781 0 0 unless ($ok)
807 0 0 if ($msglist->{$msg}{'bounce'})
811 0 0 if ($msglist->{$msg}{'remote'})
814 0 0 if ($msglist->{$msg}{'local'})
817 0 0 if ($msglist->{$msg}{'todo'})
821 0 0 if ($grouped == 11)
827 0 0 if ($grouped)
830 0 0 $deleted == 1 ? :
851 0 0 if ($flagged == 30)
857 0 0 if ($flagged)
875 0 0 if ($msg_id =~ /\D/)
883 0 0 if ($msg =~ m[/$msg_id$])
891 0 0 unless ($ok)
915 0 0 if ($self->msglist->{$msg}{'sender'})
917 0 0 if ($msg_sender eq $sender)
925 0 0 unless ($ok)
951 0 0 if ($self->msglist->{$msg}{'sender'})
953 0 0 if ($msg_sender =~ /$sender_re/)
961 0 0 unless ($ok)
984 0 0 if $is_case_sensitive
989 0 0 unless open my $msg_fh, '<', "${queue}mess/$msg"
993 0 0 unless /\S/
994 0 0 if (/$header_re/)
1005 0 0 unless ($ok)
1030 0 0 if $is_case_sensitive
1034 0 0 unless open my $msg_fh, '<', "${queue}mess/$msg"
1039 0 0 unless /\S/
1042 0 0 if (/$body_re/)
1052 0 0 unless ($ok)
1079 0 0 if ($msgsub and $msgsub =~ /$subject/)
1087 0 0 unless ($ok)
1113 0 0 unless ($ok)
1136 0 0 if ($self->msglist->{$msg}{'remote'})
1137 0 0 unless open my $msg_fh, '<', "${queue}remote/$msg"
1143 0 0 if ($recipients =~ /$recipient_re/)
1153 0 0 unless ($ok)
1181 0 0 if $self->msglist->{$msg}{'local'}
1182 0 0 if $self->msglist->{$msg}{'remote'}
1183 0 0 if $self->msglist->{$msg}{'bounce'}
1184 0 0 if $self->msglist->{$msg}{'todo'}
1210 0 0 unless $qmpid
1213 0 0 if $qmpid =~ /\D/