Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 20 75.0

line true false branch
107 0 150 if not defined $id or $id eq ''
206 74 0 if ($size > 0) { }
253 0 30 if not defined $id or $id eq ''
254 10 20 if $id eq '0'
347 0 95 unless defined $val
350 0 95 if defined $ref and UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'Python::Serialise::None')
351 1 94 if defined $ref and UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'Math::Complex')
353 17 77 if defined $ref and $ref ne ''
355 36 41 if $val =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/
356 4 37 if $val =~ /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/