Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 55 70 78.5

line true false branch
86 1 8 unless defined $value
90 2 7 if ($name eq 'PREFIX') { }
2 5 elsif ($name eq 'CHANMODES') { }
1 4 elsif ($name eq 'CASEMAPPING') { }
1 3 elsif ($name eq 'CHANTYPES') { }
93 0 2 unless my($prefix_modes, $prefix_flags) = $prefix =~ /^\(([a-z]+)\)(.+)$/iu
215 10 7 if ($effect eq 'more')
226 5 2 if ($effect eq 'done' and my $code = $self->can("prepare_gatehints_$gate"))
237 1 6 if ($futures = $self->{'Protocol_IRC_gate_futures'}{$gate}{$target} and @$futures)
239 1 0 if ($effect eq 'done') { }
247 0 7 if $self->invoke("on_gate_${effect}_$gate", $message, \%hints, $data)
248 0 7 if $self->invoke("on_gate_$effect", $gate, $message, \%hints, $data)
249 7 0 if $self->invoke('on_gate', $effect, $gate, $message, \%hints, $data)
251 6 1 if ($effect eq 'done')
252 0 6 if $self->invoke("on_message_$gate", $message, \%hints)
253 6 0 if $self->invoke('on_message', $gate, $message, \%hints)
325 0 3 unless my($flag, $nick) = $name =~ /$re/u
425 2 2 if ($h->{'whois'} eq 'channels')
426 1 1 if ($channels)
521 0 1 if $self->invoke("on_message_cap_$verb", $message, \%hints)
522 1 0 if $self->invoke('on_message_cap', $verb, $message, \%hints)
582 7 22 if $modechar eq '+'
583 6 16 if $modechar eq '-'
592 2 14 if (index($listmodes, $modechar) > -1) { }
2 12 elsif (index($argmodes, $modechar) > -1) { }
4 8 elsif (index($argsetmodes, $modechar) > -1) { }
3 5 elsif (index($boolmodes, $modechar) > -1) { }
5 0 elsif (my $flag = $self->prefix_mode2flag($modechar)) { }
594 2 0 if $sense != 0
598 2 0 if $sense != 0
602 2 2 if $sense > 0
610 5 0 if $sense != 0
630 12 0 if ($hints->{'target_type'} eq 'channel')
679 2 2 defined $args{'target'} ? :
2 4 ref $args{'targets'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :