Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 18 66.6

line true false branch
13 0 52 if ($frame_ref->{'stream'} == 0)
22 0 52 if ($frame_ref->{'flags'} & 8)
28 0 52 if ($dblock_size < 0)
36 0 52 if ($fcw < 0 or $stream_fcw < 0)
42 1 51 if $fcw < $con->dec_setting(5)
45 0 52 if $stream_fcw < $con->dec_setting(5) and not $frame_ref->{'flags'} & 1
47 29 23 unless $dblock_size
55 4 19 if ($frame_ref->{'flags'} & 1)
57 0 4 if (defined $slen and $slen != length $con->stream_data($frame_ref->{'stream'}))