Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 48 75.0

line true false branch
72 0 2 unless eval { do { pack $PACK_U64 } }
342 1 5 if ($type == 3) { }
1 4 elsif ($type == 16) { }
352 3 1 if ($REQUEST_HAS_SQL_AT_1{$type})
359 3 3 if ($REQUEST_HAS_TUPLE_AT_2{$type})
403 8 0 unless (defined $self->{'_body_size'})
404 2 6 if length $$pending_sr < 8
416 0 6 if length $$pending_sr < $self->{'_body_size'}
441 3 3 if ($type == 7) { }
2 1 elsif ($tmpl) { }
446 0 3 if (not $is_done and $end ne $_DQLITE_RESPONSE_ROWS_PART) { }
462 1 1 if ($type == 3)
475 0 1 unless utf8::decode($_[0])
493 1 2 if ($type == 3)
510 2 1 $count ? :
540 20 5 if $_[0] % 8
552 3 1 if $cols_count % 2
558 0 13 unless $TUPLE_PACK[$_]
571 8 5 if ($type == 3 or $type == 10) { }
0 5 elsif ($type == 4) { }
579 1 4 if ($type == 5)
669 0 7 unless defined $which
770 0 0 unless defined $name and length $name
772 0 0 if $_[0][$i] ne $name